The Importance of Thinking Differently
We might agree that we are always living in the most amazing times, which can also be challenging times depending upon circumstances. History basically reveals that everything evolves in spite of what happens. Our lives are amazing gifts and what we do with them makes...
Employment is Dead
One of the latest and most interesting books I have been advised to read is titled: Employment is Dead: How Disruptive Technologies Are Revolutionizing the Way We Work. Deborah Perry Piscione and Josh Drean bring to life the seismic shifts occurring in the workforce,...
Adding Value to What You or Your Business Offers
There are many different business models and opportunities for the Individual Entrepreneur. A few business models and opportunities are based upon a “knock your socks off” product or service that is quite unique however, these are actually very rare. Some businesses...
Identity Leadership
Identity leadership is very important to me. It’s a topic that is relevant to the 7.7 billion people living today. Identity leadership is self-leadership, and it is based on the philosophy that if you can’t lead yourself, you can’t lead anyone else. Leadership, or...
Simplicity is a Strategy
Simplicity is a strategy, however, as easy as the four words are to repeat, execution is always very challenging. This article introduces the reader to the most powerful and executable strategy for sharing with others the main ingredients of your business, venture, or...
Now Is The Time!
The calendar is moving toward the last few months of the year! The calendar does not stop or pause, it continues forward at the same consistent pace as always. Assuming that you are an independent contractor, micro entrepreneur, or even a traditional entrepreneur, now...
Shattering the Shackles: Embracing Your Limitless Potential in the Gig Economy
In the fast-paced world of the gig economy, freelancers and micro-entrepreneurs often find themselves relying on mental crutches – excuses that hold them back from reaching their full potential. These crutches, like the glass partition in the aquarium that separated...
7 Ways for Micro-Entrepreneurs to Thrive in a Garden of Growth
Every so often, we pause to absorb not just the visible blossoms but the entire garden—the unseen roots and the soil that sustains them. Such was my reflection when a subscriber to my newsletter shared their solitude amidst a world teeming with seemingly flourishing...
The 4 C’s of Entrepreneurial Leadership
Charisma. Communication. Common sense. Continuous Learning What core competencies attribute a successful entrepreneurial leader? In the realm of entrepreneurship, achieving success is difficult to say the least. New ideas are emerging, innovation is rapidly evolving,...
Can I Step Away And Still Have My Business Run Smoothly?
It's essential that business owners feel confident when stepping out, whether that be for a day, a week, or even a month. And at some point, eventually, it will have to happen. You might be in business meetings all day or away with vendors. Your absence might be due...
Is Your Business Prepared For The Next Recession?
As the business cycle ebbs and flows, there are periods of economic growth and stability, as well as periods of recession and uncertainty. While it is impossible to predict with certainty when the next recession will hit, it is essential for businesses to be prepared...
Technology- Your Friend Or Foe?
Have you ever asked yourself: Is technology my friend or foe? You may find yourself on one side or the other, or maybe somewhere in between, similar to that of a love/hate relationship. We've all been there. There comes a level of excitement when the newest trends in...
Make Money In The Gig Economy During Inflation And Recession
The rising cost of living, coupled with the possibility of an impending recession, has made it essential for people to look for new ways to earn money. With many traditional jobs offering limited flexibility and stability, the gig economy has emerged as a viable...
Should I Quit My Full-Time Job To Pursue My Dream Business?
Businesses take time and energy to grow. The more you have to invest in your company, the faster it will take off. So, just how do you know when it’s a good time to make a move and fully commit to your dream? Consider these important factors first to gain a more...
International Ideas Month: Converting Your Business Ideas Into A Winning Business Plan
March is International Ideas Month, a time to celebrate the power of ideas and their potential to transform the world. For entrepreneurs, this month presents a unique opportunity to turn their business ideas into a reality by creating a solid business plan. In this...
Employee Appreciation Day- How You Can Show Your Appreciation
March 3rd marks the annual Employee Appreciation Day! And while it is great to use this day as a reminder of how much you value your employee’s hard work and dedication, it doesn’t have to stop here. Ideally, it would be best if you regularly express your gratitude....
How Will Knowing My Strengths Improve My Business?
Successful small business owners know their strengths and weaknesses. By recognizing your strengths and weaknesses, you, too, can effectively build a more substantial business. It was once thought that focusing on your weaknesses and learning to build them up was...
Being A Gen Z Leader: Youth Leadership Month
February is Youth Leadership Month, and it's the perfect time to focus on the next generation of leaders in the workforce: Gen Z. As the youngest generation to enter the workforce, Gen Z is poised to make a significant impact in the business world. However, they also...
Americans With Side Hustles-Making A Rise
According to a recent survey by Lending Tree Financial, 44% of Americans have a side hustle, which adds to their regular 9-5 job. In the last two years, the percentage of Americans earning additional income from a side gig has risen by 13% and the numbers aren’t...
Is Your Brand Expandable?
Ask any entrepreneur or small business owner; there is always a certain amount of risk associated when owning your own business. Though the struggles can be different, the outcome desired is usually the same. They desire success. To build a brand that flourishes and...
The Keys to Unlocking Influencer Status
In today's digital world, being an influencer has become a highly sought-after career path. But what does it take to be an influencer? Here are a few key qualities that successful influencers tend to possess. First, influencers are typically experts in their field....
New Year, New Goals: Setting Resolutions for Your Business
As the year comes to a close, many people are starting to think about their New Year's resolutions. For businesses, setting goals and making resolutions can be just as important as it is for individuals. Here are a few reasons why your business should consider making...
The Importance Of Exceeding Customer Expectations And How You Can Achieve This
Customer satisfaction is an essential component of running any successful business. A company's livelihood rests on its customers or lack thereof. Suppose you don't have the support of your loyal customers and aren't gaining any new ones. In that case, your chances of...
Reputation Management 101: A Beginner’s Guide
Reputation management is becoming increasingly important for businesses in the digital age. With the proliferation of review sites and social media platforms, it's easier than ever for customers to leave feedback about their experiences with a company. And with more...
The Power of a Fresh Start: Redesigning Your Business
Redesigning can be an effective way to improve your product or process and make it more efficient and effective. By taking the time to review and redesign your product or process, you can identify opportunities for improvement, implement changes, and ultimately...
Earn Money As An Amazon Affiliate
As the online marketing industry gains momentum, more and more consumers are looking in the direction of influencers before making purchases. People find it easier to trust the reviews and recommendations of like-minded individuals who are comparable to themselves....
The Importance Of Networking For Small Business Owners
Networking is a valuable tool for business owners who are either in the infancy of starting a new business or for those who are hoping to grow their business. There are numerous benefits to gain from networking. Among them, I’ll fill you in with just some examples of...
The Tried-And-True Principles Of Making A Successful Business Plan
You have a business, or you’re looking to create one. Congratulations! You’re in for a bumpy ride. Your early decisions will help make that ride a sketchy 4-wheel expedition up a mountain or a stable roller coaster ride that Walt Disney would be proud of. Using a...
What Makes An Innovator Great?
Innovation can be a game changer. It has allowed success to many people throughout history. But what has led some innovators to success when others have completely sunk? Well, first off, a great innovator needs to be able to stay current, understand what's going on in...
The Key To Preparing In Any Economy
Unlike typical weather forecasts the economy does not have a set trajectory or definitive fluctuation. Because of this the economy can grow and collapse in faster than usual shifts at potentially very rapid rates. Trusting instinct or news outlets to provide timely...
What Makes A Leader Successful?
Finding yourself in a management position doesn't necessarily that you will have skills necessary to lead a team. You may just see yourself as only being good at running the day-to-day operations, but that doesn’t mean you won’t be able to develop them over time. To...
Is There A Need For Your Business Idea? The Question Nobody Wants to Ask
As important as it is to accept certain opportunities it is also equally, if not more important, to reject opportunities. Time and resources are very important when running a business, especially if you are striving to start a new one. The question of whether or not...
Team Building- How Will This Bring Success To Your Business?
The goal of team building is to bring co-workers together and provide opportunities for them to build more meaningful relationships. People who include this into their business plan have found the results to be quite rewarding. Here are some reasons why you should...
Gig Jobs With High Pay
The gig economy has a reputation of short-term tasks done in volume to obtain the desired income of their worker. This, however, is not always the case as some gigs may break this stereotype with higher paying opportunities with comparable volume. The typical gig...
What Is Digital Accessibility And Why It Matters
The term digital accessibility is the practice of designing digital products and their environment so that they can be accessed by those living with various disabilities. Most of us are aware of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which mandates public spaces...
Daily Habits of the Successful Entrepreneur
Practically anyone can become an entrepreneur with the right mindset. It starts with an idea. After some hard work and dedication, that idea has become a reality. But what makes the successful ones stand out from the rest? Is it luck? Or are some just destined for...
Are You Ready For The Shark Tank?
Shark Tank is one of the most popular TV shows in history, continuing to gather millions of viewers for each new season as companies of any size continue to give their pitches to the world. There have been a number a majorly successful businesses that grew soon after...
How To Succeed In The Vacation Rental Business
There’s no doubt that getting into the vacation rental business can be a great way to earn some cash. And whether you’ve chosen to make this your side hustle or it’s going to be your main source of income, this market has proven to be a very competitive one. With new...
The Art of Negotiating
As a small business owner, building strong business relationships is a crucial component to the overall success of your company. Not only is developing connections with both your customers and employees important, it’s also just as important to have strong...
Definition Of An Entrepreneur
Oxford Languages defines an entrepreneur as “a person who organizes and operates a business or businesses taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so”. Entrepreneurs are often seen as innovators. Risk takers. But not all entrepreneurs are the same....
5 Easy Freelance From Home Gigs
Freelancers can pretty much work on anything, and from anywhere. With the limit of restrictions a freelancer has it’s no wonder the popularity in this field has risen considerably. And finding work with little to no experience doesn’t have to prevent you. Here are 5...
Entrepreneurship Can Start At Any Age
Close your eyes and think of the word “entrepreneur”. What image crosses your mind? More times than not, people will say a young millennial, someone in their early 20’s. Maybe someone who appears quick witted and intelligent? Someone who is tech savvy and trendy? But...
Program in Arizona Helps Mexican Women Pursue Entrepreneurship
For all you Hispanic women out there with wishes of owning your own business, here's some exciting news! El Consulado General de Mexico en Phoenix is kicking off their third annual Consular Entrepreneurship Program. This program was strictly designed for women, more...
The Importance Of Having A Growth Track For Your Employees
Although employees are merely a means for a business to accomplish a goal, they should never be devalued to appear as individuals without potential. Driven and passionate employees have made small companies massively successful without any extensive corporate...
Tips For Keeping Your Employees Motivated While They Are Working From Home
Working from home has drastically risen in popularity with the recent pandemic crises that swept the world. Safety precautions enticed businesses to transition most, if not all, of their workforce to resuming their duties from the seclusion of home. Although this...
Pros And Cons Of Having A Holiday Sale- How To Know If You Should Have One Or Not
If you’re like me, you love a good holiday sale. It feels amazing when you score the perfect item at a reasonably lower price. But when you’re on the other end of that, being the one selling that item, it may not be that exciting. Especially when taking a look at what...
How To Make Q4- The Last Business Quarter Of The Year Strong Through The Holidays
It’s no secret that for businesses, the holiday season can be stressful. As the year is coming to a close it’s important for business owners to finish it off with a bang. Here’s how you can make a strong impact in the final quarter and walk into the new year with...
Advice For Cyber Monday – How To Plan Ahead
Cyber Monday is the biggest day for online sales out of the year. Amazing deals and focused marketing prove highly effective for businesses with both physical and digital products. Since most businesses have online platforms, Cyber Monday has only grown in popularity...
How To Prepare Your E-Commerce Shop For The Holiday Season
The Christmas holiday season is notorious for having the highest rate of sales for most business practices out of the year. Optimizing your e-commerce shop can have exponentially positive benefits to not only beat your monthly averages but also encourage a substantial...
How To Prepare For The Holiday Season As A Business Owner Now
There are only a few more months until the holiday season. Hopefully you have already begun preparing for this holiday rush but if not that's okay. I'll breakdown some ways you can prepare so that operations run as smoothly as possible during this time. Planning is...
Tips For Family-Owned Businesses – How To Promote Yourself
Family-owned businesses are ones that have a unique story and environment that no other business relationship can have. While being with its benefits it too can be a very difficult endeavor, especially when having to work with your relatives. The hardest thing these...
Tips For Finding The Best Technology For Your Employees To Utilize
The rate at which technology is improving is at the fastest point in human history and has no signs of slowing. New inventions, improved designs, and reconfigured processes are changing the way things are being done at a very rapid pace. Therefore, if a workplace is...
Tips For Entrepreneurs Navigating The Recession
As it becomes inevitable that we are heading towards a recession, if not already there, many worries are bound to flood in. Do I have enough money? Will I need more? Now can be a stressful time, especially for those entrepreneurs who are just starting out and trying...
When Should You Sell Your Business?
Starting a business is most entrepreneurs’ dream, however the pursuit of success requires practice and sacrifice. Therefore, by starting companies, businessmen must be conscious of when the right time to sell a company should be. There are several reasons as to why a...
Five Skills All Entrepreneurs Need To Succeed
Entrepreneurship isn't always an easy route but can be extremely satisfying if taking the risk. Who wouldn’t want to work for themselves? Let's look at the top five skills needed for success. All of which can be practiced and learned if you don’t consider them to be a...
How To Decide If You Should Go To College Or Become An Entrepreneur Right Away
Just as you are closing up one chapter in your life, graduating from high school, you will find yourself at yet another. Entering young adulthood is an exciting time in life. You experience freedom, to come and go as you please. Making all your own decisions. To some,...
When And How To Start Preparing Your Business For The Holiday Rush
Holiday season seems to creep up on us every year. Just as we think we’ve gotten through the hustle and bustle of yet another stressful holiday surge we find ourselves preparing for it all over again. As a business owner the most important thing you can do before the...
What Does It Mean To “Scale Your Business” and How Can You Accomplish This?
To begin with let's first define what it means to scale a business. Scaling a business is about growing your business. The general goal is to increase your product manufacturing and sale revenue while keeping the cost down. When you do this in the correct way it can...
How To Create A Professional Online Presence
As technology has evolved, so has the use of the internet. It has defined the way of life. A recent survey concluded 97% of employers will go online to research you through various sites before determining you for a position. And 1 in every 4 people will use search...
Unique Benefits You Can Provide to Your Employees That Will Set You Apart from Other Employers
Having employees with a low turnover rate is an important factor when running your own business. And the way you treat your employees will be very important to the overall success of your business. The benefits you give your employees is one of the major reasons they...
How To Reevaluate Your Business Structure
As a business owner, you will want to periodically reevaluate your business structure. Doing this can help maximize your businesses revenue. Let’s look at some of the ways you can do this. First, you will need to gather and review data from similar markets, including...
Tips for Organizing Your Work Schedule When You Work Two or More Jobs
Working multiple jobs can be both a stressful and time-consuming thing. To not let your second job be more of a hassle than a blessing, you must first learn how to organize your schedule. Being able to do things at the proper time minimizes stress and problems that...
How To Turn Your Side Job Into A Full-Time Business
As a gig worker or someone with a side job, the idea to make your gig a full-time business may be one with a lot of appeal. The ability to get a more consistent, higher-paying business is completely possible - especially when already having both income and clients....
How to Help Your Child Become an Entrepreneur
School's out and you might find your kids have a lot of extra time on their hands. Maybe you’ve even heard “I’m bored” a couple of times and it’s starting to drive you nuts. Help your kids channel that boredom into some money-making by helping them become an...
5-Year Business Milestones To Keep Up With
Entrepreneurs can run into millions of different problems over thousands of different markets. These problems lead to failure, which may or may not deplete the entrepreneurial spirit in the once exploring adventurer. Though millions will succeed, tens of millions will...
More Social Media Trends For Business Owners in 2022
As the world’s technology progresses and more businesses are transitioning to internet-focused content, it is beneficial to recognize the newest social media trends and why they are so successful. Here are several trends that business owners have found useful in 2022:...
Should I Go to College, or Start My Business?
While it is not essential to have a degree for entrepreneurship, it is very beneficial to go to college where you will be able to learn many of the soft skills it requires to create your own business. However, there are some advantages to forgoing college that should...
How to Invest in Your Passion While Working a Full Time Job
Everyone has their own unique passions, but sometimes those passions will not provide enough money to live off. Sometimes it can be challenging to transform that fun side hustle into a sustainable profit. One way to continue to cultivate your passion is by planning...
Entrepreneur or Corporate Explorer? A New Choice For Innovators
A recent trend of innovating businessmen has emerged as a potential alternative to company-starting pursuits. As entrepreneurs struggle to design, build, and create new and better ideas for the world it proves more and more to be a very daunting task. Especially when...
How to Support Continuing Education for your Employees
Developing an environment of continued education in the workplace can not only improve the quality of work being done, but also encourage the environment into one that finds satisfaction in the improvement ones’ self and their peers. Continued education can vary in...
Office Supplies you Need to Stay Organized
Moving back into offices from your work-from-home desk space? Or are you still working from home at your kitchen table or sharing an office with a spouse and two children? We get it. Here are some office supplies that will help you stay organized whether it’s at home,...
Tips for Business Trips
It is inevitable as you grow into your entrepreneurial adventure, you will be traveling quite often. There are many roadblocks that come with traveling such as less time in the office, mobile contacting, and time may seem to slip away faster. Here are several ways to...
Best Apps to Use for Social Media
It can be challenging to keep up with social media, the new trends, pop culture, and keep up with your posts while maintaining an aesthetically pleasing feed. Here are a few apps to help you. Adobe LightroomAdobe lightroom is a great photo editing software available...
How To Show You Appreciate Your Employees
When you work for a company, it is easy for your employees to feel underappreciated and overworked. It is critical that you, as a business owner or a boss, are able to show your employees that they are appreciated. Here are some easy and simple things that you can do...
How to Keep your Documents Safe
We all have important files we want to keep safe, but one more password and infinite storage options in the 21st century can be a little overwhelming. Keep reading for some tips on how to keep your documents safe online and in your filing cabinet. If you have...
How to Create and Manage a Team Bonding Event
Team building should be focused on enhancing professional relationships between members. Productivity and creativity will likely increase because the team is encouraged to work together to achieve a common goal by using out of the box thinking. The best way to find...
How to Beat Procrastination and Make Deadlines
You know how it goes: the list of things to do in your head gets longer and longer, priorities fall lower on your list as life gets in the way, and the end of the week leaves you stressed and scrambling to get it all done. If you’re a human being, you’ve likely found...
Motivational Podcasts for Entrepreneurs
Whether you need motivation to start your business, want to learn more about the process of entrepreneurship, or are just curious about successful stories, these podcasts are perfect for anyone. Grow Now Movement with Justin Schenck This podcast was chosen as...
Tips for Young Entrepreneurs Still in School
As you know by now, being an entrepreneur is not just a career you ease into but an entire way of thinking that rewires your brain. Entrepreneurs are creative minds that pour into everything they do. And sometimes, that can be exhausting, especially if you are still...
Tips on how to balance your work life and personal life
As an entrepreneur, you are naturally prone to think creatively at all hours of the day. After all, this innate creativity most likely drove you to become an entrepreneur. With that, your mind may tend to fall on work thoughts even outside “office hours”. David Brooks...
Office Bag Essentials
Whether I am working at the office or my favorite coffee shop I try to stay prepared by having all the essentials in one bag. It becomes my portable office, so I have to keep it organized. Stationery and pensYou never know when you will need to write something down,...
Successful Women In Business
Women have come a long way since the 19th amendment. Women launch more than 1,200 new businesses every single day in the US, and own 36% of small businesses worldwide. Women currently hold 31 of the CEO positions at the S&P 500 companies. Thinking about where...
How to Prepare for an Interview
There may be a few thoughts that run into your mind when you read “job interview.” Maybe your heart rate increases rapidly because of a fear of public speaking, or a fear of failure, desperation for a job, or excitement about a new opportunity. Whatever the feelings...
Business Milestones to Hit in Your First 5 Years
Creating a successful business is a process and it is important to monitor your milestones to be sure you are on the right track. #1 Profitable Business ModelThe first major milestone is to create a business model that leads to profit and success. Include these 5...
Top 10 Bloggers/Social Media Profiles To Keep You Motivated
As an entrepreneur, PR professional or networking expert, there are many benefits to following other companies and professionals. Being connected with other entrepreneurs through social media and blogs allows you to stay in-the-know, inspired, and motivated. Their...
Breakaway From Your Bad Habits To Improve Your Productivity
A large part of the essence of a human is in our need to be in a routine. You’ve heard it before and this won’t be the last, but we are creatures of habit. Our day revolves around a clock that continually clicks. With every tick of the hand, our lives flow with it. We...
Resources To Find The Right Mentor In Business
Every businessman or businesswoman needs a mentor. A mentor is an experienced and trusted adviser, typically someone who is older than you and has more skill and expertise than you. The role of a mentor is for them to pass down their knowledge so you can be great like...
How to Increase your Creativity Skills
Feel as if your creativity is lacking? Try these simple techniques to improve your creativity skills! Creativity is an essential part of anyone’s life! Having good creativity skills can motivate you in multiple aspects of your life from problem solving, relieving...
Music to Keep You Going
Working on your computer all day long can be draining and exhausting, a way to solve this is by creating your own playlist to keep you motivated. Classical MusicClassical music has been shown to be one of the best genres to listen to when you need to be productive...
3 Successful People You Did Not Know Failed In Business
Learning from failure is the key to success. Entrepreneurs often lose sight of their goals once they reach a major failure but it is important to remember that everyone fails, even the people that are well known for their incredible success. Elon Musk Forbes listed...
3 Signs You’re an Entrepreneur at Heart
These days, anyone can become an entrepreneur thanks to all the digital resources available at your fingertips. However, what many entrepreneurs soon learn after taking the leap into owning their own business is that it takes a special level of passion and drive to...
3 Tips to Bulletproof Habits
Have you ever wondered why it’s so hard to stick with good habits? What I can tell you is that it’s actually much simpler than you might think. Because the number one thing that differentiates those that stick to good habits vs. those that don’t is the strategies that...
Feeling Out of Touch With Your Inner Power Lately?
In 2021, people are more politically and ideologically divided than ever. The world doesn’t want cold, unempathetic leaders. If you’re the present, heart-centered, and conscious leader that we’re all looking for, you likely agree with some of the following: • Pleasing...
A New Way to Create Your Vision Board
Maybe vision boards haven’t helped you in the past, or you’ve always assumed they’re just not your thing. That’s okay! Research shows there’s a reason to doubt vision boards. In the eyes of science, envisioning the results of your success versus your methods to become...
Want More Learning Opportunities for Your Kids? Try Getting a Pen Pal
During the pandemic, it has been difficult to meet new, fascinating people and introduce them to your family as you open up your child to the rest of the world. But if you can’t visit the rest of the world, why not bring it home by signing up for a pen pal program?...
Why Do We Get Self-Destructive Impulses, and How Do We Stop Them?
We tend to associate “self-destruction” with pretty severe actions: self-injury, drug or alcohol abuse, binge eating, chronic avoidance, and much more. However, a much milder range of self-destructive behavior exists, and even those behaviors create a very difficult...
Negotiation Techniques to Lower Your Rent
During this time, as entrepreneurs, we need to creatively rethink our business models, which means looking past even our fixed costs. At the moment, you can increase your profit margins in various ways, including exploring how to lower your utilities, rent, or...
Business Pivots That Count
Right now, some businesses are experiencing a slight shift in their demand while others are struggling to get by. Regardless of where you fall on that spectrum, there are ways to pivot your business model to ensure you’re ready to reenter your industry when our odd...
5 Practical Steps to Reboot Your Life
In today’s challenging times each of us are experiencing dozens of emotions from fear to anger, depression to apathy and more. How does one regain their focus, let alone rebuild a business or life under such extreme challenges? No matter what it is that has you...
3 Centuries of Black Entrepreneurs in America
February is Black History Month, and it turns out black entrepreneurs have been soundly kicking butt in business since the 1800s. Whether laundering clothes for goldminers, persisting to become the wealthiest African American alive, or making the right product for the...