Identity Leadership

Identity Leadership

Identity leadership is very important to me. It’s a topic that is relevant to the 7.7 billion people living today. Identity leadership is self-leadership, and it is based on the philosophy that if you can’t lead yourself, you can’t lead anyone else. Leadership, or...
Introducing Stedman Graham

Introducing Stedman Graham

Stedman Graham is one of the world’s leading authorities on emotional intelligence. Individuals have engaged Stedman Graham, the largest of corporations and governments throughout the world, all of whom realize that success, at any level, actually starts with people...
Back to the Future

Back to the Future

Back to the Future, was a movie some of us may remember. The title was most appropriate for the science fiction story. However, back to the future has never been a good business strategy. This perspective is dedicated to the future of work. We might add that the...
What Matters Most?

What Matters Most?

As an independent contractor, micro entrepreneur, you make choices every day as to what matters most. Those choices impact the results associated with your efforts. The goal is to always maximize the “Return on Opportunity.” The phrase, Return on Investment (R.O.I.)...
Simplicity is a Strategy

Simplicity is a Strategy

Simplicity is a strategy, however, as easy as the four words are to repeat, execution is always very challenging. This article introduces the reader to the most powerful and executable strategy for sharing with others the main ingredients of your business, venture, or...
Now Is The Time!

Now Is The Time!

The calendar is moving toward the last few months of the year! The calendar does not stop or pause, it continues forward at the same consistent pace as always. Assuming that you are an independent contractor, micro entrepreneur, or even a traditional entrepreneur, now...