Aug 13, 2020 | Technology
Imagine you’ve suddenly gotten a Facebook message from someone you trust, like a great aunt. They ask if you’ve recently seen any good real estate. You wonder, why are they asking? Your great aunt says she’s recently gotten a $150,000 government grant and she’s...
Jul 20, 2020 | Technology
The appeal of virtual marketing is so vast and mysterious that it can seem like magic. Why does some content suddenly go viral, and other content — requiring real hard work and well-earned money — struggles to attract any attention at all? While scientists might be...
Jun 30, 2020 | Technology
Are you taking every possible opportunity to reach out to your customer base through the internet? While you might think your business has a pretty good online marketing strategy, chances are it could still be better. That’s where SocialCore Marketing can help....
Jun 11, 2020 | Start A Business, Technology
As a gig worker, you’re always hustling, especially now. In situations like this, it’s essential to think about how and where you communicate about your services. You may have a stellar profile on a social media page or freelance platform, but if that profile is on...