Healthy Ways to Manage Stress in Times of Crisis

Healthy Ways to Manage Stress in Times of Crisis

During times of tragedy, disaster or conflict, many people find it hard to focus and maintain daily routines. Even when not impacted directly, it can be challenging to cope with the turbulent events that shape today’s world. Whether dealing with a global, national or...
3 Safety Tips for ‘Quarantining’ While Traveling

3 Safety Tips for ‘Quarantining’ While Traveling

If you’re starting to travel again in 2021, you might still be a little bit worried about it — if not because of the health consequences, then because of the travel regulations that differ state-to-state. Here are a few tips for staying safe while on the road or in...

January Newsletter 2021

This content is available only to AFEUSA "General Members". If you are a "General Member", log in below... Log in for "Customized Benefits Package Members" is coming soon (check back...
Helping Your Student in Debt?

Helping Your Student in Debt?

About 9 out of 10 parents are willing to help their child get out of debt. And student debt is a very common type of debt for young people today. If your child has taken a student loan, it’s probably the first loan they’ve ever received. That’s a huge responsibility,...

Marketing That Gets You Customers

#387 Episode Summary: Are you fishing in the right pond? Listen in as Dean Jackson and Joe Polish answer audience questions about increasing your prospects and conversion rates with wildly effective marketing techniques.  In this episode, Joe and Dean discuss how to...
How Your Packaging Can Sell Itself

How Your Packaging Can Sell Itself

Can the right packaging sell your product for you? Yes, it can. It is especially impactful in a time when appearances mean a lot. People love posting unboxings on Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook, and sharing the new, helpful products they’ve bought. This is why...
How To Create A Loyal Tribe

How To Create A Loyal Tribe

Most people aren’t “loyal” unless there is such Value-Creation that people grant you business because they see you as one-of-a-kind. My dear friend, and Founder of Strategic Coach®, Dan Sullivan calls it a Value Creation Monopoly. This is where you don’t get business...
4 Reasons an Ex-Employee Might Sue

4 Reasons an Ex-Employee Might Sue

You have very few “correct” ways to terminate an employee’s tenure at your company and many, many incorrect ways of doing it. If you want to avoid lawsuits after letting an employee go, here are a few key mistakes to avoid. 1: You don’t give a reason for firing. Just...
3 Tips for Communicating a Pay Raise

3 Tips for Communicating a Pay Raise

Rewarding employees with a pay raise can be a significant and heartening step to boost their morale and show sincere appreciation for their hard work and dedication, particularly in challenging times like the ongoing pandemic. However, it’s crucial to handle the...

Your Miracle Morning

#386 Episode Summary: Are you setting yourself up for SUCCESS by starting your day off right? Listen in as Hal Elrod, the Author and Creator of The Miracle Morning, shares his winning formula and the incredible results millions have experienced from implementing it....
What Is Their Blue Ribbon?

What Is Their Blue Ribbon?

Napoleon Bonaparte said, “A soldier will fight long and hard for a bit of coloured ribbon.” When you ask most people who go to college, “What are you going to college for?”, what I’ve noticed is they rarely, if ever, state the RESULT they...
What Kind of Life Insurance Do Entrepreneurs Need?

What Kind of Life Insurance Do Entrepreneurs Need?

Everyone hopes their families will prosper long after they’re gone. The same likely applies to your business. Everyone hopes their families will prosper long after they’re gone. The same likely applies to your business.  Did you know that the life insurance funds from...
Top 3 Unique SiriusXM Stations You Won’t Want to Miss

Top 3 Unique SiriusXM Stations You Won’t Want to Miss

If you have SiriusXM Satellite Radio or suddenly noticed it’s working in your car because of a free trial, then you might be wondering — what are the best, most unique channels you should be listening to? We’ve got a few ideas. Channel 111 — Business Radio Brush up on...

Defining Entrepreneurial Success

#205 Episode Summary JOE POLISH, FOUNDER OF GENIUSNETWORK.COM  Joe Polish is the Founder and President of Piranha Marketing Inc. He is also the creator of Genius Network® Interview Series, founder of Genius Network® (aka The 25K Group), and co-founder of,...
Do You Have a Healthy Employee Retention Rate?

Do You Have a Healthy Employee Retention Rate?

Life is not static. It’s completely natural for every business to have employees who come and go. However, it’s best when those transitions are as peaceful as possible and they don’t involve your best performers. How can you determine whether you have a healthy...
Discovering The Right Rituals

Discovering The Right Rituals

In business, there are rituals that make everything else work better. Oftentimes these rituals start with YOU. To be a Great Entrepreneur involves setting up the Right Rituals. Sometimes people start off doing something, and it’s working, but then they slack...
The Best Ways to Rapidly Expand Your Home Menu

The Best Ways to Rapidly Expand Your Home Menu

If you’re looking for fast, easy ways to upgrade your homemade dishes, you’ve found the right article. We’re here to provide some ideas to help you upgrade your cooking skills. Whether you want to impress, eat healthier, or sharpen a technique you use every day,...

Podcast or Perish

#289 Episode Summary: In this Episode, you’ll Discover Podcast or Perish: why now is the best time for you to podcast, how you can podcast, how the democratization of media impacts you and your ability to grow your reach with NEW Media, and more with Genius Network...
Is Your Teen Ready for a Car?

Is Your Teen Ready for a Car?

This holiday season, you may be considering handing your teenager the keys to your car. But are they ready? How will you know? While we parents have no official checklist to determine their preparation, your teenager can show key qualities to prove they’re ready....