Throughout 2022, gig work has risen to an all-time high with more individuals desiring the flexible, lucrative part-time work that is gig working. The primary downside of this statistic is the fact that a vast majority of all these individuals do not have life insurance. Finding a life insurance that is affordable and affective for all gig workers is no longer an issue, but instead is only an issue of education. This article will go into several tips for getting life insurance as a working gig worker.

When searching for life insurance as a gig worker it is important to not purchase anything that is too much of a liability for someone without corporate or organization benefits. One way to do this is by finding one with level premiums, which provide the desired life insurance at a fixed monthly cost. This allows one to fluctuate in their undetermined monthly income without suffering any financial repercussions.

For some high-risk gigs, one might find resistance in acquiring life insurance as the insurers feel it would be too much of a possibility that an accident could occur. This makes it important to research what the insurance covers and if there are any exceptions to who they accept. For some policies, the amount provided from the insurance is varied depending on the previous year of income. Therefore, if you work multiple gigs, it’s important to keep tabs on every revenue source and its value. For if something was to happen – it would be easier to get a more accurate reading for a potentially greater benefit.

AFEUSA has a specially tailored benefit program that includes life insurance for all entrepreneurs and gig-workers. Employees reap benefits from multiple group and organizational benefits, which is why AFEUSA has focused on those in need of those benefits – the unemployed. Gig-work and entrepreneurial pursuits are very important and innovative work, which is why we want to help in any way we can. Find out more about our life insurance benefits on our website and become a member today.

Article by
Christian Peterson
Marketing Manager

Christian Peterson