Hiring talent is necessary to build a skilled and effective body of workers. Much thought, comparison, and consideration go into choosing who to hire. When hiring talent, these are some things to consider and implement:

Clearly Outline Job Requirements

Ensuring the parameters for potential new hires are clearly defined is essential, as this will attract a greater number of candidates that fit the position you’re looking to fill that fulfill the necessary qualification. 

Attract Candidates

Draft a well-written and eye-catching job description to post on job boards and hiring websites. Make sure these platforms are relevant to the candidate you’re wanting to attract. 

Review Resumes and Applications

Reviewing resumes allows you to filter through a large applicant pool fairly quickly to draw out the applicants that meet the requirements. Once this group is filtered through, depending on the size of the pool, it may be beneficial to do phone screenings to further reduce the number of candidates before holding formal interviews. 

Conduct Interviews

Schedule interviews with candidates who passed the initial screenings. This will allow you to get to know the applicants on a more personal level, as well as ask further questions to assess their skills, experience, and problem-solving abilities. In addition, in-person interviews are great for determining whether an applicant is a good culture fit for the work environment.

Check References

Once you have a strong, limited applicant pool, conduct reference checks to verify skills, experience, and performance. This will help you gain insight into a candidate’s work ethic and collaboration skills and help gain more insight as to how they will function as a coworker. 

Make an Offer

After the interview and review process, select your top candidate and make an offer. This individual would ideally fulfill all of your initial on-paper requirements as well as fit in well with the workplace environment. The offer should be formal and include details such as start date, compensation, benefits, and any other information they should know before starting. This step may include negotiation, so prepare for any reasonable requests the candidate should make, and have a few strong backups should anything fall through. 


Once the candidate has accepted your offer, begin the onboarding process. This typically includes HR clearance, orientation, and a training shift to familiarize new hires with company culture and policies. It may be helpful to assign a “mentor” from someone inside the company to answer questions and integrate them more smoothly. 


When hiring, it is important to consider applicants from all backgrounds. This allows for the diversification of workplace culture with a well-rounded staff and promotes equal opportunity. It’s important to approach the hiring process carefully in order to retain the most well-rounded applicants and effectively fill the position with a candidate that aligns with the values and goals of your company.

Article by
Katie Hoge
Content Writer and Researcher

Katie Hoge, a young white woman with long brown hair