Interview with Thought Leader Dave Logan

#60 Episode Summary: Dave explains what GENIUS is and what a leadership REALLY is What the 3 Laws of Performance are and how to use them to LEAD Why ‘how you occur to yourself’ can change everything for you Dave explains what GENIUS is and what leadership REALLY is...

How to Maximize Your Current Email List

#319 Episode Summary: When you think of a traditional sales funnel, you usually have your primary product, your first and second upsell, and maybe a downsell. What if there were even more ways to profit from your list? Jon Benson is the CEO of Digital Publisher, Inc....
How I Determine Who I Let In

How I Determine Who I Let In

One of my criteria for determining who I let into my world is this: How do people who are more powerful treat people that are less powerful? This is a great criteria because it opens you up to see a lot of things AND it’s also a great determinant of who you want as...

6 Eternal Truths From 6 Dead Mad Men

#318 Episode Summary: Who else wants 6 eternal truths from 6 of the greatest advertising legends that ever lived?  Brian Kurtz delivers these, and more, in this quick episode of I Love Marketing. Brian Kurtz has been a serial direct marketer for over 35 years and...
School Is Never Out For The Pro

School Is Never Out For The Pro

One of the best ways I’ve found growth and inspiration in my life – even when I was a drug addict – is through reading. Actually, if it wasn’t for reading, my recovery from addiction would have never happened. Reading is what has improved my life in all areas; not...