The Little Things WILL Cost You

The Little Things WILL Cost You

Being an Entrepreneur is a lot like being a pilot. Getting off the ground can be difficult at first, but once you’re in the air, all you want to do so soar higher and higher. To do so, however, requires the discipline to pay attention to little things like office...
Tech That Alleviates Financial Aches and Pains

Tech That Alleviates Financial Aches and Pains

When first starting out, business finance can be difficult to conceptualize or map out for the budding entrepreneur. Here are some of the ways modern technology can alleviate those financial headaches. Accounting Software There are a plethora of accounting tools on...
How Fixed Are Your Fixed Costs?

How Fixed Are Your Fixed Costs?

As a small-business owner, your profits may keep the lights on during the day, but the expenses surely keep you up at night. Here are a couple of ways you can cut costs and increase your profit margins so you can sleep a little more soundly at night.  Reduce Your...
Small Business Payroll

Small Business Payroll

In years past, many small businesses had very simple systems for managing their payroll, including paper records or simple excel spreadsheets. But technology has changed drastically in the years since the internet, and modern small businesses have many tools available...
Payroll Made Easy

Payroll Made Easy

No matter how big your business is, you have more important things to worry about than payroll and taxes. For most entrepreneurs, there simply aren’t enough hours in the day to complete all the tasks we’ve assigned ourselves. That’s why it’s so important to reach out...
Fixing Your Credit

Fixing Your Credit

Credit scores impact some of the most important moments in our lives. Buying a house, applying for a job, and improving your small business all rely on having a good credit score. Conversely, if your credit is lackluster, all these moments become far more difficult to...