Staying Motivated as a Gig Worker

Staying Motivated as a Gig Worker

Considering the uncertainty and isolative nature of gig work, gig workers can be especially susceptible to burnout- arguably just as much or even more than traditional employees. Gig workers often face irregular income, unpredictable work schedules, and a lack of job...

Bluefishing: The Art of Making Things Happen

#309 Episode Summary: The Art of Making Things Happen and Making Your Dreams A Reality with Steve Sims, author of “Bluefishing.” It’s the fascinating adventures of the real-life Wizard of Oz and stories of singing on stage with the rock band Journey, a private dinner...

Discover Your Massively Transformative Purpose

#308 Episode Summary: Peter Diamandis of XPrize, Abundance 360, and more sat down with Joe Polish to discuss the following: More about Peter’s program can be found at Billionaires Secrets: 4 things billionaires do different...
Passing The Baton (Not the Hot Potato)

Passing The Baton (Not the Hot Potato)

I recently got a message from my assistant of 28 years, Eunice, that got me thinking about an important aspect of entrepreneurship: The ability to “pass the baton” to team members who can think critically, execute, and leverage ideas into action. The more I think...

Transforming Poop Into Purpose

#353 Episode Summary: Meet Suzy Batiz, Joe Polish, Dean Jackson and 400 more of the World’s Greatest Entrepreneurs at this year’s Genius Network Annual Event! Suzy is going to take you on her incredible journey into building her $700 million empire, tell you how she...
A Smarter Way To ‘Staying Power’

A Smarter Way To ‘Staying Power’

Sometimes people become intellectually lazy when they don’t “have to” do something. When they are forced to do something, they find a way. As I say, in order to have a breakthrough, you’ve got to break something. Sometimes that means breaking your comfort zone....

Purpose: The Secret of True Genius

#306 Episode Summary: Want to tap into the secret of true genius? Mastin Kipp says claiming your power and knowing your purpose will do just that. Discover what Mastin did to go from bottoming out on cocaine to becoming recognized as a “thought leader for the next...
Intoxicated By Opportunity

Intoxicated By Opportunity

The problem many High Level Entrepreneurs have is not, “What should I do?”; the problems are more about, “What should I NOT do?” Oftentimes, we are intoxicated by opportunities. If you have 1,000 options; you don’t have any options. So, part of the solution is being...

The Truth About Technology with Randi Zuckerberg

#305 Episode Summary: The Truth About Technology – the dangers and opportunities entrepreneurs face, what every parent can do to ensure their child has a healthy relationship with technology, how to use technology in a way that makes you more productive and focused,...
Unlock Your Best Season Yet as a 1099 Worker

Unlock Your Best Season Yet as a 1099 Worker

October represents the beginning of your best season of the year as a 1099 worker. Your questions: As an independent contractor, are you positioned to offer what the marketplace needs and looks for during this season of the year? How much planning have you done to tee...
This Behavior Formula Transforms Lives

This Behavior Formula Transforms Lives

If you read the book Tiny Habits by my friend BJ Fogg (Founder and Director of the Stanford Persuasive Technology Lab), he describes how all Human Behavior is MAP. In fact, here’s the formula from the book:B = MAP Behavior = Motivation, Ability, Prompt. This is called...

Amazing 9-Word Email That Revives Dead Leads

#345 Episode Summary: If you’ve been in business for more than 90 days and you have leads you have generated, you are sitting on a goldmine. In this episode of I Love Marketing with Dean Jackson and Joe Polish, you’re going to discover a simple 9-word email you can...
Atmospheric Conditions

Atmospheric Conditions

I have a psychologist friend named Don Woods and Genius Network® member who helps people remove trauma. He said something I thought was profound: “If you understood the Atmospheric Conditions of somebody’s life, it makes sense why they are the way they are.” If you...