Kids + Back to School = Cold & Flu Season

Oh, the bliss of “Back to School” season! The overpriced school supplies, the driving to and from classes and activities (the five hours of quiet in the house each day!) and also, the dreaded germs that come home and knock out the family for a week. Back to school means back-to-the-doctors. For the many Americans who have conventional medical coverage, this may not be so much of a concern, but as an entrepreneur, it likely means paying hundreds of dollars out of pocket to heal up our little ones or prevent the flu with preventative shots. These expenses can add up quickly which is why AFEUSA offers NeedyMeds, a nationwide nonprofit, who can help you find programs that assist with the cost of medicines and healthcare. Additional assistance includes: prescriptionDiagnosis-Based Assistance – A list of programs that help with medical costs based on your diagnosis. Coupons, Rebates, and More– These programs offer discounts for thousands of products. $4 Generic Discount Drug Programs – Information on all the single price drug programs offered by pharmacy chains. Free & Low Cost Clinics – A list of clinics throughout the country that consider finances when treating patients.  

You Wanted Social Media Marketing Help, You Got It!

We’ve been listening and we deliver on our promise of value. Let’s face it, social media is an ever changing beast and it can go really wrong, really quickly if done incorrectly. We heard so many questions and we have so many answers, so we’ve started an ongoing project to tackle the two biggies – Facebook and Twitter. You can’t live without them in your business model; if for no other reason, having an engaged audience who is eager to follow you provides “social cues” to your potential clients or customers about the value you bring as a trusted expert in your field. In August, we wrote on the basics of starting your Facebook Page for business and a quick 101 on how to use Twitter. As these columns develop, we hope you’ll be working along side us as you grow your brand and obtain a captive audience that will drive up your bottom line. And of course, if you need further assistance, our entrepreneur specialist for marketing and advertising offers discounts steeper than we are allowed to advertise for them; but our friends are your friends. Don’t be shy, find them moderating our Twitter and Facebook and ask for help! facebook page how to, Facebook marketing, content marketing, Facebook page guide twitter for business content marketing       We’re always here to listen and help you through whatever struggles you may be facing. Have a thought on what we can bring you next month? Let us know!