At face value, implementing a digital marketing plan seems like a momentous task, especially if you’re not very tech-savvy. However, this process is not only beneficial to modern business but also necessary. It’s not as much of an uphill battle as you’d think. Putting your plan into action you simple. You need to scale your marketing agenda to the size of your business and roll out a maintainable stream of content to your target demographics. Establish a vision for your online campaigns, find out what kind of consumers to target, and then capitalize on the opportunity you see through your desired digital mediums — be they social media, streaming services, or any of the other constantly-shifting platforms available today.
In a survey of nearly 1,000 businesses, nearly 45 percent of them claimed that they were doing a digital marketing campaign, but had no discernable marketing strategy. Don’t be one of these companies. Without a strategy, you’re wasting the potential breakthroughs that can result from an organized rollout. Here’s how you’ll know it’s time for a switch to a greater online presence: You have no idea who your defined target market is; you’re not flexible or up-to-date enough to keep up with changing trends online; you’re not optimizing your online results to lead more traffic to your online presence; you’re being surpassed by industry competitors with fewer years of experience in your respective field; or you just feel flat out directionless in your marketing endeavors.
It’s never too late to get organized. Find a company that can teach you the ins and outs of digital marketing and help you get that ever-important plan in place. Once you do, you’ll be able to expand your business and reach an entirely new population of potential customers.
The times are changing, are you?
Article by
Wayne Goshkarian,
Senior Advisor