We might agree that we are always living in the most amazing times, which can also be challenging times depending upon circumstances. History basically reveals that everything evolves in spite of what happens. Our lives are amazing gifts and what we do with them makes each of us an amazing gift to someone else… the family we are a part of and the community in which we live and work, the world in which we live. Therefore, the manner in which we think always impacts the manner in which we behave as well as the choices that we make and whether or not we are successful in our pursuits.
We might also easily agree that technology has changed the game! We can access information, goods and services, medical care, and educational development, easier and faster than ever before. We can choose how we wish to work and when we work. We can actually, through the many choices and possibilities that exist today, choose to own the work that we do by embracing some form of micro entrepreneurship or Individual Entrepreneurship.
Baby sitting is now upscale and often the small business enterprise of someone who wants to care for children or adults. Dog walking has become a popular gig and companies like Upwork and FEVER connect those with skills to others who need those skills and the two people who engage can be in various parts of the country, even the world. Doctors and lawyers work gigs and so can anyone else. Therefore, it is important to think differently. We are simply making a point. In order to embrace the new possibilities we have to ensure that we are thinking differently! Thinking differently means being open to innovative ideas and new ways to get things done. Thinking differently activates new possibilities. Thinking differently enables ideas that can turn underutilized assets into new income possibilities. What used to be a break during the traditional work day may now be an opportunity to “search” for more information, keep up with what is happening in the world of possibilities. What used to be time for a favorite television show may now be more time to explore, search some more, develop a new idea by searching for others who are already making the new idea work. You Tube probably makes that favorite show available to you at any time.
The information that we need is in the tool we now refer to as being our “smartphone.” The tool is usually on, and it represents a source of information that is larger and more comprehensive than the biggest library we could ever have imagined.
Yes, thinking differently can change the game! Here at AFE, we think so.
Article contributed by
The AFE Editorial Team