It’s called “Success”

There are no dark, forbidden secrets to success. Nor is it a matter of luck or fate. Success may not come easily, but it is simple to understand.

To begin with, success is a matter of doing those things which you know in your heart you should do and, likewise, avoiding those things which you are certain you should not do.                                                         

Success is not limited to any particular activity. It flows in all the directions you may choose to extend yourself—friend, spouse, parent, neighbor, citizen, student or worker.                                                          

It need not be confined to just one of your personality traits. It should develop and be developed by all that you are—body, mind and spirit.                                     

Discovering your greatest strengths and contributing them to the benefit of others is an act of success. Longfellow said it is “doing what you do well, and doing well whatever you do.”

Success is harnessing your heart to a task you love. It is zeroing in on your goals and becoming absorbed by your work. It is putting your shoulder to the wheel of achievement.

A wise man said: “Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers. Pray for powers equal to your tasks. Then, the doing of your work shall be no miracle, but you shall be the miracle.”

Mental attitude is the better part of success. It calls for serenity, poise, patience, humility, tolerance, honesty, courage, initiative, faith, imagination, optimism, enthusiasm, joy, love.

There is no mountain of success, no summit to be climbed as a final destination. There is only the continuing upward spiral of perpetual growth and successful progress.

Look courageously beyond failure, or stride confidently over a momentary loss, and you’ll see that success lies just ahead.

Joel Weldon

Inspirational Content Writer and Speaker

joel weldon

the winding river by Joel Weldon

Here’s What You Can Do:

  • Never see failure as failure! Only as a learning experience. What did you do right?

  • Never see failure as failure! Only as the feedback you need to change direction. Like a guided missile, use that new data to get yourself back on course.

  • Never see failure as failure! Only as an opportunity to develop your sense of humor. You know you can laugh eventually —so just laugh sooner!

  • Never see failure as failure! Only as the game you must play to win.

  • You CAN use every seeming failure as a source of strength! “Success Comes in CANS!”

-Joel Weldon