Hiring is never easy. Your business has specific needs and you want to find the perfect candidate to fit those needs. But finding that candidate means you often have to wade through dozens of other applicants first. A lot of businesses end up settling on the less-than-stellar options.
Hiring the wrong employee can end up costing you tens of thousands of dollars. In fact, one CareerBuilder survey of U.S. businesses found that nearly 27 percent of respondents stated that a bad hire cost them more than $50,000!
This money is spent on facilitating the hiring process, onboarding the new hire, training them, and paying their wages and benefits until they ultimately quit or are terminated because they weren’t a good fit. Then you have to start the process over again. Hiring is a serious investment of time, money, and resources.
One of the best ways to avoid hiring bad candidates is by turning to hiring tools or apps. EricsJobs.com is a great example. It’s an online tool designed to help simplify the hiring process. This site helps match employers with quality employees. You don’t need to sift through application after application hoping to find a match. The site filters results so you see more of what you’re looking for.
Using a tool like this takes out a lot of the guesswork. You set the sorting requirements so you don’t have to waste your time with poor candidates. You can put your full attention on candidates who do deserve your attention! If you want to save money while looking for your next hire, be sure to learn more about Eric’s Jobs on the AFEUSA website.
Article by
Wayne Goshkarian,
Senior Advisor