You can’t deny the importance of social media marketing. There are very few industries in which you can see real growth that don’t have a social media presence, and that aren’t actively using that presence to market to their customers. This is especially true of a burgeoning small business. We need all the exposure we can get, and we need it yesterday. Taking the time to put the right pieces together can bring increased traffic to your site, magnify brand awareness, and open up improved communication with your target audience. With that in mind, let’s take a look at what you should be focused on.

Before you plan on rolling out anything online, you need to meet with your team and set a firm strategy for what you plan to do. What type of content do you want to focus on? What is your target demographic and what social media sites do they prefer? If you take time to do your market research, your online odyssey will be that much easier. It will provide a concrete frame of reference for when you get stuck. When it does come time to roll out, make sure that the brand image you’re presenting is consistent across all channels. You’ll quickly find that putting a voice out there for your company is better than jumping around from trend to trend without showing any real distinction as far as what makes your company unique and personable.

As for the market, it’s important to keep tabs on your competitors as you progress with your campaigns. You don’t want to rehash things that have already been addressed, but if you do, ensure that you have a fresh angle on it that resonates with your audience. Along the way, keep track of your analytics and actively meet with your team to discuss what needs to be done differently. This way, you will never find yourself in a hole. By staying current with every movement (and those of your competitors) your social media marketing will gradually build up its efficiency.

Article by
Wayne Goshkarian,
Senior Advisor

Wayne Goshkarian in front of his jet