How to Start a Business

Entrepreneurship Can Start At Any Age
Close your eyes and think of the word “entrepreneur”. What image crosses your mind? More times than not, people will say a young millennial, someone in their early 20’s. Maybe someone who appears quick witted and intelligent? Someone who is tech savvy and trendy? But...

Program in Arizona Helps Mexican Women Pursue Entrepreneurship
For all you Hispanic women out there with wishes of owning your own business, here's some exciting news! El Consulado General de Mexico en Phoenix is kicking off their third annual Consular Entrepreneurship Program. This program was strictly designed for women, more...

5 Tips for Setting Your Business Up for Success
The pandemic brought on a new wave of entrepreneurs. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 5.4 million business applications were filed in 2021. Those entrepreneurs were taking a risk. According to Fast Company, the failure rate of small businesses remains high: 20%...

Business Expenses You May Not Have Thought About
The easiest way to set yourself up to making money requires money to be first used to help leverage the income process. Money is important especially for small businesses, which is why losing any to unknown or uncompensated expenses can have detrimental effects on the...

When Is The Right Time To Start Hiring Employees?
It’s easy to possibly go a little overboard in the beginning when starting your new business. Which is completely understandable. You don’t want to skip any step, so one by one, you check off all the boxes, making sure everything is perfect. With all this eagerness to...

Online Seller Tips – What Is The Best/Worst Platforms to Use?
Starting a business is the dream of many though success is never guaranteed. With the internet and ecommerce, the opportunity to find success is no longer limited to local selling but can now have small sellers expanding their audience across the world. These sites...

Tips For Family-Owned Businesses – How To Promote Yourself
Family-owned businesses are ones that have a unique story and environment that no other business relationship can have. While being with its benefits it too can be a very difficult endeavor, especially when having to work with your relatives. The hardest thing these...

Tips For Finding The Best Technology For Your Employees To Utilize
The rate at which technology is improving is at the fastest point in human history and has no signs of slowing. New inventions, improved designs, and reconfigured processes are changing the way things are being done at a very rapid pace. Therefore, if a workplace is...

Five Skills All Entrepreneurs Need To Succeed
Entrepreneurship isn't always an easy route but can be extremely satisfying if taking the risk. Who wouldn’t want to work for themselves? Let's look at the top five skills needed for success. All of which can be practiced and learned if you don’t consider them to be a...

Why Do Many Startups Fail Quickly?
Pitfalls to navigate for success Across the country, many people are leaving their jobs and starting their own businesses. People may want to start their own business to follow their passion, have control over their lifestyle and schedule and pursue financial...