Happy New Year!
We hope that you enjoyed this past Holiday Season with your family and friends! As we enter into a new year, we should all take just a moment to refresh our outlook and perspective on our personal and business goals. With the economy moving forward, employment figures at their best in decades and with many Americans enjoying added growth in their savings and retirement accounts, let’s use this momentum to continue our successes into 2019!
Here at AFE we are excited to showcase our new website design along with some new member benefits. The exact date is not yet set but I’ve seen the illustrative versions and we are anxious to share this with all AFE members sometime in January. (And these member benefits are selected with your needs in mind). You will find the navigation throughout the site is much more user friendly and you’ll be able to access so much more information as we develop a few new programs that have been discussed in previous newsletters.
A reminder to all students of entrepreneurship: The 2019 Student Award Program will be accepting applications in early April. This award program identifies 20 students of entrepreneurship who have achieved high honors from their respective schools and universities and gives them a cash award that can be used to help them continue to achieve their educational goals towards entrepreneurship. And look to subsequent newsletters as we interview some of the top Award recipients and listen to them discuss their goals and dreams. More information will be distributed in our social media outlets in late March with a mention in our April newsletter.
This next year is going to be exciting and prosperous for all AFE members! We hope you continue to enjoy the various articles we share with our Association members and remember to follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. You’ll also find interesting articles on my LinkedIn account, so send me a link request and we’ll be sure to keep you informed on all things entrepreneur!
Article by
Wayne Goshkarian,
Senior Advisor