A lot of times people are more interested in vanity and how they are going to look on the outside than what is going on internally. Until we’re hit with a real serious health crisis, those things designed to help us with our internal health don’t seem to penetrate in the same way that the external does. It’s hard to admit when you’re not “regular” in the bathroom or your digestive system is having issues.  No one likes talking about these things, but if you have these issues, it’s inescapable. Most people don’t connect with these sort of things in the same way they do external things. Most people are more apt to go buy a shiny car or put makeup on their face than they are to deal with a hidden health issue they are dealing with.

Now, imagine your internal issues were causing external symptoms, like bruising on your face.  Most people would take it MUCH more seriously. It’s the Invisible Demons we are dealing with that mess up our life.  

If you have something that is making your health life miserable, it’s so important to get it taken care of. Many people don’t want to face these things, yet, what’s more important than getting to the root of how you can be a better, fit human?

by Joe Polish
Founder of Genius Network

Joe Polish

P.S. I've created a resource page as a central guide with access to valuable resources available to you right now. Check it out at www.GeniusNetwork.com/Vision-Insight. Bookmark this page. This is where I will post every new update.

P.P.S. Whenever you're ready... here are 3 more ways I can help you make YOUR business and life more E.L.F. (Easy, Lucrative, and Fun!):

  1. Discover the 10x Multipliers to grow your business exponentially… Amplify your opportunities and reveal the untapped potential in your business: www.10XTalk.com/Vision
  2. Trigger these 8 Profit Activators in your business right now: www.ILoveMarketing.com/Vision
  3. I'm often asked what books I recommend. So, I've put together a collection of books and products in 9 specific categories. These are resources we've shared in Genius Network to help improve life and business... To check them out visit www.JoePolish.com/Books-Vision

P.P.P.S. If You Or Someone You Know Is Struggling With Addiction, visit www.GeniusRecovery.org/Vision-Letter
Also, check these out 🙂

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