Sep 6, 2022 | Inspiration, Start A Business
Entrepreneurship isn’t always an easy route but can be extremely satisfying if taking the risk. Who wouldn’t want to work for themselves? Let’s look at the top five skills needed for success. All of which can be practiced and learned if you don’t consider...
Sep 5, 2022 | Inspiration, Lifestyle
Just as you are closing up one chapter in your life, graduating from high school, you will find yourself at yet another. Entering young adulthood is an exciting time in life. You experience freedom, to come and go as you please. Making all your own decisions. To some,...
Aug 30, 2022 | Inspiration
Holiday season seems to creep up on us every year. Just as we think we’ve gotten through the hustle and bustle of yet another stressful holiday surge we find ourselves preparing for it all over again. As a business owner the most important thing you can do before the...
Aug 24, 2022 | Inspiration, Marketing
To begin with let’s first define what it means to scale a business. Scaling a business is about growing your business. The general goal is to increase your product manufacturing and sale revenue while keeping the cost down. When you do this in the correct way it...
Aug 16, 2022 | Inspiration, Lifestyle
As technology has evolved, so has the use of the internet. It has defined the way of life. A recent survey concluded 97% of employers will go online to research you through various sites before determining you for a position. And 1 in every 4 people will use search...
Jul 27, 2022 | Inspiration
Having employees with a low turnover rate is an important factor when running your own business. And the way you treat your employees will be very important to the overall success of your business. The benefits you give your employees is one of the major reasons they...