Boost Your Brain Power & Learning

#297 Episode Summary: In this Episode, you’ll discover how to boost your brain power, learn faster, and more, with Jim Kwik. Jim Kwik is the founder of Kwik Learning and a widely recognized world expert in speed-reading, memory improvement, brain performance, and...

Moonshots and Multipliers – Part 1

#314 Episode Summary At an I Love Marketing Meetup in Tempe, Arizona, a group of Genius Network Members shared their Moonshots and Multipliers. Included in the mix is transforming the American healthcare industry, sports, addiction recovery and more. Here’s a glance...

How to Generate Relevant and Consistent Leads

#296 Episode Summary: What would happen for you if you could generate more leads and right fit clients for your business?  In this episode, you’ll discover how to generate relevant and consistent leads with Genius Network Member, Nicholas Kusmich.  Nicholas helps...
What Genuine Givers Do Differently

What Genuine Givers Do Differently

When I really get value out of what someone does, I go out of my way to share it with the world. I become a mouthpiece and edifier of it. Not because I want to engineer reciprocity or get them to do something for me, but because I think what they do will be genuinely...

How to Be a Key Person of Influence

#313 Episode Summary Kevin Harrington has generated over 4 billion dollars in sales worldwide and offers a 5-step method for attracting greater opportunities, earning more money and creating greater success. Kevin Harrington has appeared on the television series Shark...