E.L.F. Everything!

E.L.F. Everything!

Business is solving problems for a profit. If you are a great identifier of problems, and figure out how to make a profit solving problems for people, and become really good at solving a series of problems (or even one problem)… you have a lot of the game...
What Genuine Givers Do Differently

What Genuine Givers Do Differently

When I really get value out of what someone does, I go out of my way to share it with the world. I become a mouthpiece and edifier of it. Not because I want to engineer reciprocity or get them to do something for me, but because I think what they do will be genuinely...
To Become Valuable, You Must Add Value

To Become Valuable, You Must Add Value

As the world keeps evolving, our role as Entrepreneurs is simple: We have to use our businesses and talents to expand humanity, not contract it. As simple as it sounds, it can be hard to do. A major part of it depends on becoming valuable to other people and to the...