If you are a small-business owner, and you have become adapted to the constant fluctuation of the economy in the past, rumor has it there is hope right around the corner. I know I know… Another article about the trials and tribulations of being an entrepreneur in the...
As of October 2021, Wendy Edelberg shared in “What does current inflation tell us about the future?” that we have seen an inflation rate of 6.2%, increasing gas prices and average cost of living that can be compared to the Great Depression. History The Great...
One of the major steps in creating or expanding your business is to find a space that works for your company. Sometimes that can be in your home but other times you need a space strictly for business. Finding a commercial real estate property can be difficult,...
It is almost that time of year… tax season. But filing your taxes does not have to be all that dreadful when you master the basics. Firstly, understand that filing your taxes is a tedious process, but it is meant to benefit you- the taxpayer with that big tax return...
Small businesses are the forefront of the American economy. They drive economic growth and creativity. According the US Chamber Foundation, 98% of businesses have fewer than 100 employees. Unfortunately, these businesses are also the first to feel the effects of...
It’s a horrible experience to be in debt as a business owner. It keeps you awake at night because you’re not sure what’s going to happen to you or your family. Nearly every entrepreneur has experienced this, and many get themselves out of that situation in a smart and...