Tax Relief and Amendments You Need To Know

Tax Relief and Amendments You Need To Know

As a business owner in our current situation, you have a lot on your plate, including taxes. While the IRS is usually a source of stress, they’re doing their part to help those in need, including companies. If you’re still working through your taxes, here is what you...
Homebound Family Bonding

Homebound Family Bonding

Right now, as we’re all homebound, many families are looking for new forms of entertainment to bring everyone together. If you’re looking for some fun ways to bond with your family while at home, here are a couple of fun ideas that will surely lift everyone’s spirits....
Make the Most Out of SEO Marketing

Make the Most Out of SEO Marketing

While we’re all adjusting to how the business landscape is changing, it’s a great time to evaluate opportunities for improvement in your business plan. One area many small-business owners are exploring is their SEO (Search Engine Optimization) marketing strategy. A...
Manage Your Relationships During Quarantining

Manage Your Relationships During Quarantining

Right now, working remotely is more common than ever, and if you and your loved ones are suddenly sharing a workspace, tensions can arise. No matter how good-natured our loved ones are, small talk, various household questions, and even general disagreements can take a...
What You Need to Know About the Employer Landscape

What You Need to Know About the Employer Landscape

COVID-19 is changing the business landscape as we know it. And while it will likely revert back to how it was eventually, for the time being you need to be ready for anything the market will throw at you. This includes possible changes in customer needs, new...
How to Keep Burning Calories During Quarantine

How to Keep Burning Calories During Quarantine

If you’re homebound and working remotely, it can be stressful trying to manage your new routine. If you have kids, you have to keep track of their schooling. If you have a significant other working from home as well, you have to manage the appropriate times to...

April Newsletter 2020

This content is available only to AFE members. Want to become a member? Sign up here. Already a member? Login...
How Safe is Takeout Food During the COVID-19 Outbreak?

How Safe is Takeout Food During the COVID-19 Outbreak?

Even as restaurants dial back to take-out only operations across the country, some people may still find themselves wondering how safe is takeout, really? The good news is that, according to “Forbes,” experts conclude that the risk of contracting COVID-19 by ordering...
Ways to Reduce the Pain of Layoffs

Ways to Reduce the Pain of Layoffs

Nobody looks forward to delivering the news that one of their employees is getting let go. Still, presiding over layoffs is a part of leadership, and what you say, or don’t say, when you lay someone off can have an impact on the future of your company. Treating your...
Three Ways to Stay Fit at Home

Three Ways to Stay Fit at Home

As gyms shut down around the nation, many Americans are finding it difficult to maintain their health and sanity while still doing their part to stop the spread of the coronavirus. Here are a few ways to maintain your healthy lifestyle from home. Bodyweight Exercises...
The Superfoods That Will Boost Your Immune System

The Superfoods That Will Boost Your Immune System

In the rush of the workday, it’s so easy to get fast food to settle your cravings. However, these options can lack the essential nutrients you need, or worse, leave you feeling sluggish and kill your productivity. To scale your business in the current landscape, you...
Entities That Are Economically Fighting COVID-19

Entities That Are Economically Fighting COVID-19

As a small-business owner, you have a lot on your mind right now. Demand is in flux, and with the virus spreading, you have to make some hard decisions about how to handle remote work. But you do have options and resources at your disposal, including your AFEUSA...
The Benefits of Making Giving Part of Your Business Model

The Benefits of Making Giving Part of Your Business Model

If you’re a business owner, getting involved with a non profit organization this summer can offer more than just the good feelings associated with giving back. According to Cone Communications, 85% of customers have a more favorable view of businesses that give back...
Why Your Business Needs an Applicant Tracking System

Why Your Business Needs an Applicant Tracking System

Every hiring manager has been there: Your inbox is overflowing, and you’re working overtime to excavate the few qualified applicants from the rush of unqualified applications. Or, maybe you’ve been in the converse situation: You post a job, but the response is radio...
What’s the Deal With Green Web Hosting?

What’s the Deal With Green Web Hosting?

You’ve probably never thought about the energy expenditures associated with web hosting, but it’s springtime, which means that everything is going green. Why not your business, too? According to Web Neutral Project founder Jack Amend, the average website produces...

March Newsletter 2020

This content is available only to AFE members. Want to become a member? Sign up here. Already a member? Login...
Managing Self-Employment Taxes for Small Business Owners

Managing Self-Employment Taxes for Small Business Owners

If you’re an employee, your employer takes out contributions for programs like Social Security and Medicare from your paycheck each month. For employees, these contributions are called FICA taxes, and everybody has to make them under one name or another. If you’re a...