Signing Up For Suffering

Signing Up For Suffering

As an Entrepreneur, at times, you’re signing up for suffering. I talk about E.L.F.® Marketing (Easy, Lucrative & Fun!). I talk about having an E.L.F. Business versus a H.A.L.F.™ Business (Hard, Annoying, Lame and Frustrating). And, at the same time,...

August Newsletter 2020

This content is available only to AFE members. Want to become a member? Sign up here. Already a member? Login now... Username Password Remember Me     Forgot...
Make It Easy For People To See What They Want

Make It Easy For People To See What They Want

As a Business Owner and Entrepreneur, you want to bring people into your Business in a way where you know what your Clients want and you help them get there. If you know where people are and where they want to go, it’s your responsibility to develop an EASY plan and...
2020 Arizona Innovation Challenge

2020 Arizona Innovation Challenge

The 2020 Arizona Innovation Challenge is offering an exciting opportunity for Arizona entrepreneurs and business owners. The program is offering $150,000 grants and valuable business coaching to 10 Arizona businesses. The application window starts on August 3rd and...
Is Your Business Underinsured?

Is Your Business Underinsured?

These Times May Be Turbulent, but That’s Why Your Business Needs the Right Coverage Your business needs to be prepared for the future in a lot of ways, and one of them is through insurance. Between the pandemic and political polarization, small businesses have...

The Art and Craft of Speaking

#377 Episode Summary In this episode, Joel Weldon, Dean Jackson, and Joe Polish discuss valuable speaking and presenting strategies for delivering a compelling message to your audience. Joel will reveal his 3-word secret for ensuring your message is never...
Einstein’s Secret To Happiness

Einstein’s Secret To Happiness

The lives of Entrepreneurs today are culturally complex. In fact, many Entrepreneurs aren’t happy… There’s a quote from Einstein that sums up how to live a happy and fulfilling life. The quote was written by Einstein on a letterhead in 1922. That letterhead sold...
Get Funding for Your Small Business

Get Funding for Your Small Business

Running your own business is an exciting and fulfilling process—but there are a lot of variables to consider. As a small business owner, you must balance your time between increasing cash flow and building your business’ mission, branding, and sharing your...
3 Hacks for Eating Well Consistently

3 Hacks for Eating Well Consistently

Eating one good, healthy meal can feel like a massive victory — but doing it consistently, especially as business owners, can be a huge challenge. At the same time, during a pandemic, it’s never been more important to do so. Your immune system needs plenty of...
How To Build Your Network

How To Build Your Network

When it comes to meeting people and expanding your network, the main mindset to have is this: Think about what’s in it for the other person, instead of thinking about growing and building a network for yourself. To build a group of people who want to be part of...
Why Your Website Isn’t Generating New Leads

Why Your Website Isn’t Generating New Leads

The appeal of virtual marketing is so vast and mysterious that it can seem like magic. Why does some content suddenly go viral, and other content — requiring real hard work and well-earned money — struggles to attract any attention at all? While scientists might be...
Working From Home: 9 Ergonomic Tips for Laptop Use

Working From Home: 9 Ergonomic Tips for Laptop Use

Employees working from home due to social distancing? Smart policy — but without a proper workstation, there’s a big potential for back, neck and eye strain. Employees working from home due to social distancing? Smart policy — but without a proper workstation, there’s...
Show You Can Adapt Through Visual Rebranding

Show You Can Adapt Through Visual Rebranding

Has your company had the same look and logo for the past 10 years? Have you considered the impact you’d have if you changed it — showing your customers that you still care about appearances and adapting to new times? Although we know not to judge a book by its cover,...