Twenty years in a tough job and Barbara still has a positive, expectant attitude. What’s her secret?
The State Department of Education is a tough place to work. The employee turnover rate is high, because people find it too stressful being the “rope” in a non-stop tug-of-war between parents, teachers, administrators and other government agencies. But after more than twenty years, Barbara is still there, working as cheerfully as ever. And one day a friend commented on this.
“You’ve got such a positive, expectant attitude, Barbara!” the friend said. “How do you keep it up when you’re under so much pressure?”
“It’s simple,” Barbara answered. “I’ll show you,” and she led her friend to a filing cabinet in the corner of the office. On top of the cabinet was a shoe box labeled “WINS.” Barbara took it down and said “Here’s how.”
“What’s that?” the friend asked. “That’s my secret,” Barbara said. “A shoebox?” the friend said, still confused.
Barbara then opened the box and revealed the contents: it was filled with notes, letters and news clippings, each one about her.
Many of the notes expressed gratitude and were from students, parents and administrators. The news clippings were about activities she’d been involved in.
“You see, whenever I get discouraged and feel like nothing’s going right, I just close the door and spend a few minutes rummaging through my shoebox of wins.” Barbara explained. “In that box is every kind thing ever written about me or the work we do here. I only have to read a few of those wins and my attitude is flying at the proper altitude again.”
With her shoe box of wins still on top of her filing cabinet, Barbara continues to do excellent work. Her attitude remains positive despite the difficulties she faces everyday.

Here’s What You Can Do:
- Get a shoebox, write “WINS” on the top and begin filling it with the thank-you notes you receive.
- If you or your company ever gets news coverage, be sure to save the clippings and put those in your box too. Save anything that will remind you why you’re a winner and why you should have a positive expectant attitude.
- Refer to your box of ‘WINS’ whenever you feel your attitude is slipping. If you prefer, use a file folder instead of a shoebox. But whatever receptacle you choose, your box of wins is sure to help you keep a winning attitude.
- And when you keep winning, remember to give yourself an award — a winners trophy or plaque. Surround yourself with positive things— signs, posters and photographs to remind you of your achievements.
-Joel Weldon