In marketing, you want to continually “drip” on people. This is where you consistently communicate with people via email, direct mail, postcards, and more. It’s about constant BONDING, and bonding is tied to APPRECIATION…
If you appreciate a plant, you’re going to water it when it gets dry. In the same sense, people need continual watering and sunshine.
Sometimes the people getting our attention are the ones least deserving of it because they are a pain. If something is always breaking down, like a vehicle, there comes a point where you simply want a vehicle that works and doesn’t break down. As my friend Dan Sullivan, the founder of Strategic Coach, said, “I don’t want to work on a relationship; I just want a relationship that works.”
In business, every relationship will need SOME level of maintenance and managing. You can’t ignore it. But most people don’t enjoy their relationships; They endure them. In order to not have to do maintenance on something, keep it really well maintained. This minimizes the amount of maintenance. An ounce of maintaining is worth a pound of maintenance. To use an analogy, if you see something starting to smell in your kitchen, don’t spray it with deodorizer. REMOVE IT. If you see something breaking down, or if you see something “off”, it’s a little like recognizing cancer: Early detection, swift removal.
Here’s what to do: Make a list of the most amazing, important people on your professional network, and APPRECIATE THEM CONTINUOUSLY. And the people that have characteristics opposite those that would make your list? Get them out of your life.
by Joe Polish
Founder of Genius Network
P.S. I've created a resource page as a central guide with access to valuable resources available to you right now. Check it out at Bookmark this page. This is where I will post every new update.
P.P.S. Whenever you're ready... here are 3 more ways I can help you make YOUR business and life more E.L.F. (Easy, Lucrative, and Fun!):
- Discover the 10x Multipliers to grow your business exponentially… Amplify your opportunities and reveal the untapped potential in your business:
- Trigger these 8 Profit Activators in your business right now:
- I'm often asked what books I recommend. So, I've put together a collection of books and products in 9 specific categories. These are resources we've shared in Genius Network to help improve life and business... To check them out visit
P.P.P.S. If You Or Someone You Know Is Struggling With Addiction, visit
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