Your greatest career opportunity is right where you are, prepare to find it.
Somewhere in your present job is the opportunity which will bring you everything you could possibly want. In his classic audio album titled “Lead the Field”, the late Earl Nightingale has explained how you can find that opportunity and take advantage of it.
The story that illustrates this message is called Acres of Diamonds, a true story that was originally told in the nineteenth century by a clergyman named Dr. Russell Conway.
It’s about a South African farmer who became so intoxicated with the news of other settlers discovering diamond mines, that he sold his farm and hurried away to begin his own search for diamonds.
Driven by a vision of glittering riches, the farmer wandered throughout Africa for the rest of his life. But he never found a single diamond.
Finally, he committed suicide by drowning himself in a river. Yet the man who had purchased that farmer’s land did discover diamonds! Right on that same piece of property! It eventually became one of the world’s largest diamond mines.
The farmer had sold literally acres of diamonds, just so he could search for them someplace else. Had he taken the time to study and prepare himself, to learn what diamonds look like in their rough state, to explore his own land, he would have found what he wanted, right where he was.
You too can find the riches you seek, both financial and intangible, by exploring the ground on which you now stand.

Here’s What You Can Do:
- Look at your “pasture” imaginatively, as would someone who stood outside thinking yours was greener than his.
- Remember that diamonds don’t look like diamonds in their rough state!
-Joel Weldon