Being a business owner is the ultimate juggling act. You need to know how to run a business, hire new employees, tackle taxes, market your product, the list goes on and on. When learning how to handle all of this at once, it’s understandable when some things get swept under the rug.
Entrepreneurs wear all sorts of hats with their jobs, and one hat that’s especially important to wear comfortably is that of a salesperson. Now, we’re not talking about the old-fashioned door-to-door salesman with a briefcase and charming smile, because those days are long gone. So what does a successful salesperson look like in the 21st century? Here are 3 tactics everyone needs to know to master it:
1. Hot calls
We all know that concept of “making cold calls” in sales, when you reach out for any 10-digit number and hope they’re interested in what you might be selling. However, that trend has all but died out in the world of sales, and now there’s a little bit more analyzation to the calls.
You can use the internet to your advantage to find people who could be interested in the services or products your business provides. Familiarize yourself with potential prospects to increase your chances of making every call hot.
2. Take advantage of social media
Every business is different, which means that different social media platforms could be beneficial or non beneficial to the business. Find which one could be best for you – and that might mean trying out different platforms and sticking with the one(s) that are most successful.
Be consistent and devoted to your social media pages – use hashtags, respond to comments, follow various profiles and don’t be afraid to be light-hearted from time to time. It makes you appear more human to everyone following you.
3. Forget about your product
People aren’t looking for a robot to sell them a product, they’re looking for someone to help them. Be that for them. Focus on being someone your customers and clients can trust. Too many entrepreneurs live and breathe their product and don’t necessarily know how to talk about anything else with their clients.
Customers can easily spot a sincere person who wants to help them from a sneaky salesperson just trying to make a few bucks. Salespeople don’t have to be persistent robots, they can be real, sincere people who believe that they can improve the lives of those around them. Be the latter.
by: Emily Brady
Emily Brady is a content writer for AFEUSA. Her education in Communication Sciences with an emphasis in journalism from Brigham Young University makes her a great fit for AFEUSA. Emily enjoys writing and often works as a freelance writer in her free time.