In a recent Fast Company article, it was predicted that gig work will go mainstream in 2023. The gig economy, which includes independent contractors and freelancers who work on a project-by-project basis, has been growing rapidly in recent years. However, it’s expected to reach new heights in the coming years as more and more companies turn to gig workers to fill their staffing needs.

There are a few reasons why gig work is expected to become mainstream in 2023. One of the biggest factors is the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, which has accelerated the shift towards remote work and digital platforms. As companies have been forced to adapt to remote work, they’ve also had to rely more heavily on gig workers to fill their staffing needs. Another reason for the predicted mainstreaming of gig work is the increasing demand for skilled workers in certain industries. With the economy recovering from the pandemic, companies are looking to invest in new projects and initiatives, and they’re turning to gig workers to fill the skills gaps that exist within their organizations.

Additionally, the gig economy is becoming more accepted and understood by both employees and employers. Gig workers are finding it easier to find jobs, and employers are becoming more comfortable working with independent contractors and freelancers. With the rise of digital platforms, it’s become increasingly easy to find and hire gig workers, making the process more efficient and streamlined. However, it’s important to note that while the gig economy is expected to go mainstream, it also brings its own set of challenges. For example, gig workers may lack the benefits and protections that traditional employees have, such as health insurance and paid time off. Additionally, the gig economy can also lead to increased income inequality, as gig workers often earn less than traditional employees.

In conclusion, the gig economy is expected to go mainstream in 2023, driven by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the increasing demand for skilled workers, and the growing acceptance and understanding of gig work. While the gig economy brings new opportunities and efficiencies, it also brings its own set of challenges that need to be addressed in order to ensure that gig workers are treated fairly and have access to the benefits and protections they need.


Article by
Christian Peterson
Marketing Manager

Christian Peterson