Email marketing is a fascinating and booming field. Many believe this form of marketing to be outdated, but it’s not. An email list is worth its weight in gold. Here are some of the email marketing basics to get you headed in the right direction.
Know Where to Target Your Audience
This really depends on your type of business. If you have a boutique apparel store that relies on foot traffic, you may find success in providing emailed receipts. You can frame it to your customers as a going-green strategy (which it is).
If you have an ecommerce site, interesting (but not annoying) pop-ups on your website with various incentives or with an email sign-up button are a great starting point. Be sure to provide noteworthy incentives that will really stand out with your consumer.
Incentivize Customers to Join Your Email List
This is the means by which you build up your audience/client list. Some businesses offer a daily newsletter, product updates, or e-book in return for an email address. Do you have knowledge on a specific subject relating to your industry or product? Making an e-book is a great way to offer a valuable product to your consumers in exchange for their email address.
If you have a cool product, newsletters and product updates are a great way to maintain customer engagement while offering them upsells or preorder options for your upcoming products.
Provide Quality Content
Individuals are hammered with numerous advertising interruptions in their daily lives. Make sure you’re providing your email list with helpful and resourceful content instead of repetitive, annoying sales pitches. Think about what content you would appreciate or notice in your own email inbox.
If you promise your email list quality product updates and only upsell them in your emails, chances are your subscribers will unsubscribe. This will leave you backtracking as you try to find more client emails to replenish your list.
If you like these email marketing basics, I implore you to explore this marketing strategy further. It’s a great means to engage and upsell your audience. With a little tweaking to your strategy over time you will be able to provide a better overall user experience to your customers and increase their brand loyalty.
Article by
Wayne Goshkarian,
Senior Advisor