In the ‘90s, it used to be somewhat novel to order something online — but those days are long behind us. Online shopping is absolutely necessary in the modern age. In fact, people can barely let a day go by without browsing for products on their phone before ever walking into a store in person. This is especially true during the pandemic. In the ‘90s, it used to be somewhat novel to order something online — but those days are long behind us. Online shopping is absolutely necessary in the modern age. In fact, people can barely let a day go by without browsing for products on their phone before ever walking into a store in person. This is especially true during the pandemic.
There’s a reason why Amazon has grown into the massive online presence it is today: It’s easy. Even if you sell services instead of products, you need a customer portal to make it easy for your customers to buy and arrange appointments. Not only does this streamline your business and make it easier for you and your staff to focus on your work, but it’s also a very attractive way to get new customers in 2020.
The reasoning is simple: It’s super convenient! A customer can be juggling several things and still make time to click three buttons to make their appointment with you. And would you rather make an appointment with a hair salon using an easy-to-use app or website, or be forced to call in every single time?
So, the question isn’t really why you should set up an online store, but how? For AFEUSA members, they don’t have to give up their current website. We make it easy to add online purchasing through our partnership with First American, one of the most trusted payment processing merchants in the country. AFEUSA members receive awesome benefits to start their online business, including:
- A hosted payment page builder, allowing you to quickly build a page within your website to accept payments online
- Shopping cart platform to allow your customers to itemize their purchases with one easy payment
- Free EMV chip-compatible mobile card reader ($90 value)
- 10% discount on your monthly fee
So don’t wait–become an AFEUSA member today to expand your business in the virtual world!
Article by
Wayne Goshkarian,
Senior Advisor