When I really get value out of what someone does, I go out of my way to share it with the world. I become a mouthpiece and edifier of it. Not because I want to engineer reciprocity or get them to do something for me, but because I think what they do will be genuinely helpful to other people and so people can utilize it and benefit from it.

That’s part of what REAL connecting is about. Genuinely wanting to be valuable to other people. Some people are CON-nectors. These are people that connect by conning people in that they try to pretend to care, but they are just using people and things to instill reciprocity—and it’s not done in a very authentic way. You want to watch out for this in the same way you want to watch out for narcissists. There are givers and genuine, awesome humans – and then there’s sociopaths and psychopaths in the world. Unfortunately, those people can rise to high levels in society sometimes because they don’t have to devote any energy into empathetically caring about anyone, and they simply fake it.

If you resonate with being a GIVER…with being a CARING person…with being a PRODUCER, and not a parasite…then you can show up in the world and make it a better place. I always want to show up with my “gives” being equal or greater than my “wants”. We all want something at various times – food when we are hungry, fun when we are bored, and so on – and the beauty of it is you can become more focused on other people’s “wants” every day and match them to your ”gives”. If I can get people to be 5% more focused on “What’s In It For Them”, and they come from a place of being a giver – it will result in that person making more money, having better relationships, and having a better operating system.

Reciprocity is a useful thing though when it happens ethically. When you’re dealing with reciprocal people, if you just help people and you focus on “What’s In It For Them”, people WANT to reciprocate with you. Right now, the world badly needs giver energy… and you can be that.

by Joe Polish
Founder of Genius Network

Joe Polish

P.S. I've created a resource page as a central guide with access to valuable resources available to you right now. Check it out at www.GeniusNetwork.com/Vision-Insight. Bookmark this page. This is where I will post every new update.

P.P.S. Whenever you're ready... here are 3 more ways I can help you make YOUR business and life more E.L.F. (Easy, Lucrative, and Fun!):

  1. Discover the 10x Multipliers to grow your business exponentially… Amplify your opportunities and reveal the untapped potential in your business: www.10XTalk.com/Vision
  2. Trigger these 8 Profit Activators in your business right now: www.ILoveMarketing.com/Vision
  3. I'm often asked what books I recommend. So, I've put together a collection of books and products in 9 specific categories. These are resources we've shared in Genius Network to help improve life and business... To check them out visit www.JoePolish.com/Books-Vision

P.P.P.S. If You Or Someone You Know Is Struggling With Addiction, visit www.GeniusRecovery.org/Vision-Letter
Also, check these out 🙂

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