According to Hootsuite, 54% of the world’s population has a social media account. That is 4.2 billion users across the globe. That being said, any audience can be reached through social media. 

Social media is the reason many businesses have seen rapid growth since 2020. Whether you have a small business or corporate job, interacting with your followers over social media is always for your benefit. Read the following five tips for social media interaction to maximize the results of your business’s social media page. 

Post 2-3 times weekly 

Studies show that the frequency of posts directly correlates with follower count and increased popularity. It may sound simple, but one of the smartest ways to engage with followers is to post often. Even if it is only on your story, posting 2-3 times a week ensures that you are posting often enough to keep your followers involved, but not too much that it overloads them with information. 

Post a variety of photos, videos, and graphics 

Your social media posts don’t need to be limited to photos only! Post photos and videos that your users take and send in, post videos of behind the scenes; whatever it is, keep your followers in the loop with all of the exciting things your business has going on. 

Conduct giveaways 

Giveaways are one of the best ways to get followers engaged in your business and products while also increasing your follower amount. Giveaways can be conducted in a variety of ways with different requirements. For example, giving away gift cards or discount codes with rules like tagging 3 friends, liking the post, and sharing it on your story. 

Respond when users tag you 

It is always a good idea to interact with and validate users when they tag your brand or products, whether it is commenting on a post your brand has been tagged in, or reposting their story, engaging with their representation of your brand encourages them to acknowledge you. This will ultimately result in more people following your business page! 

Conduct surveys and polls

Surveys and polls are a great way to interact with followers in a lighthearted and easy manner. Survey questions could be related to new product ideas, interest in current products, or simple questions about your followers to get to know your audience better! 

If your business’s social media page is just getting started, you’re on the right track! Implementing even one of these social media follower interaction strategies will take your business one step further in following, popularity, and ultimately increase revenue! 

Article by
Abigail Dycus
Content Writer and Researcher

Abigail Dycus