Money is a tricky subject. Even close families avoid talking about it because it can be a very sensitive and divisive topic — but, as a couple, you can’t escape conversations about finances as it’s interwoven with your life together. So, where do the problems come from? Money is a tricky subject. Even close families avoid talking about it because it can be a very sensitive and divisive topic — but, as a couple, you can’t escape conversations about finances as it’s interwoven with your life together. So, where do the problems come from?
No. 1: Everyone grows up with different experiences or attitudes about money.
It’s not unusual to split up with someone over huge differences in money and lifestyle philosophy. For example, if you’d rather live frugally to have luxurious vacations, you’d have a harder time getting along with someone who wants a comfortable lifestyle at home without much travel. But you can argue over small differences, too. For example, is it worth spending extra dollars on expensive toilet paper?
When big or small arguments about spending arise, acknowledge and understand your partner’s expectations right away. Why and how do they expect certain financial decisions to be made? Don’t shy away from your differences. It’ll help you understand how to meet each other halfway.
No. 2: You or your partner may want to keep secrets.
We get it — you don’t always want to tell your partner when you spent $40 on an expensive meal at your favorite restaurant. It’s perfectly healthy to desire a little spending freedom!
However, all relationships have different expectations on proper communication. If you’d like to give each other the freedom to have your own secret expenses, then ensure you both have a financial agreement to support that freedom. Whether that means using separate checking accounts frequently or having personal spending budgets, don’t hesitate to do what it takes to make both you and your partner 100% comfortable.
Considering the increased debt and working hours entrepreneurs often deal with, it can be especially tricky for them to navigate their relationships. But, by joining AFEUSA, you won’t have to worry. You’ll have the Empowered Couples University on your side, where AFEUSA members can get:
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Before 2021 arrives, give your relationship extra tools to overcome any potential obstacles. We think you’ll be amazed by the results.
Article by
Wayne Goshkarian,
Senior Advisor