In the bustling landscapes of today’s tech industry and gig economy, a notable trend is taking shape: the rise of community protocol networks.

Community protocol networks are organizations that establish sets of guidelines, norms, and practices that fundamentally alter the way individuals collaborate, innovate, and operate within their respective spheres. Consider the typical work life of a gig worker. Gig workers usually operate on a self-sustaining lifestyle, forgoing the traditional benefits of a workplace community. Community protocol networks promote open access and participation, enabling workers from diverse backgrounds and skill sets to contribute and benefit from the network.

The Python Software Foundation, (PSF), for example, is a nonprofit organization that supports the development and promotion of the Python programming language. The PSF provides a structured framework for collaboration, communication, and governance within the Python community. 

Notable features of the PSF include its Code of Conduct, which include policies that encompass their core values of respect, consideration, and openness, an example of guidelines promoted by a community. The PSF also facilitates avenues for grant proposals, official membership, and knowledge sharing. 

Community protocol networks are key facilitators of knowledge sharing, particularly through collaboration, peer to peer learning, newsletter subscriptions, blog posts, and discussion forums. Another community protocol network, the Association for Entrepreneurship USA (AFEUSA), has a library of resources for gig workers and entrepreneurs, including e-books, podcasts, and videos. Become an AFEUSA member to access the full library of resources. 

Through knowledge sharing within community protocol networks, participants can receive feedback on their work, projects, or ideas from peers and experts.  Community protocol networks like AFEUSA grant members access to a forum, where they can receive expert feedback for any business related inquiries. This feedback loop facilitates continuous learning and iterative improvement, enabling individuals to refine their skills, refine their approaches, and drive innovation within the network.


Article by
Zoe Maung
Content Writer and Researcher

A young asian woman with long hair wearing a dark blazer with white shirt.