In the year 2021, almost any minor inconvenience could most likely be answered with “there’s an app for that.” And in the technological world we live in, that may just prove to be true.

However, not every app is completely necessary for everyone. It’s time to ask the question, what apps should a young entrepreneur have on their phone, and which ones are the most useful?

Being an entrepreneur has never held more potential than it does right now. Statistics state that in an average month in the US, 320 out of 100,000 adults become new entrepreneurs. And since our phones are always in our hands, there is no shortage of apps for young entrepreneurs to do everything from process payments to social media marketing from anywhere. In this blog we will list and discuss the most useful apps to have on your phone in 2021 and what each of them are good for.

Most useful apps for business and advertising:

Trello is a helpful organization app for project management that can be viewed on a web browser but is also very useful to have as an app on your phone. It allows you to view projects and their requirements, deadlines, collaborations, as well as task assignments.

Slack (allows for integration with third party tools like Trello).
Slack is a business communication tool that makes group communication as painless as it’s ever been. One thing that allows Slack to simplify communication is iit allows for integration with third-party tools like Trello.

FreshBooks is a cloud-based platform that was designed for small business owners. It syncs to your mobile and desktop apps so that you can access payment statuses, invoices, and client communication at any time.

Zoom is making meetings more accessible and convenient than ever. The return of zoom since the lockdown has made meetings more accessible than ever. It allows workers to meet from across the state, country, and even the world. It provides convenient “face-to-face) communication and saves time by being able to hop on and off of a meeting from your phone.

Most useful apps for personal branding and social media marketing:

Once a humble photo-sharing app, Instagram has evolved into one of the world’s most used apps. Instagram is a versatile social media app used for entertainment and communication but is also very useful for advertising and personal branding.

Buffer is an app that lets you share social media posts across multiple social media platforms, making social media marketing a lot more efficient.

LinkedIn is most useful for networking and building relationships as an entrepreneur. Having a LinkedIn profile is a necessity in order to search for people based on their qualifications, resume,

Most useful apps for personal health and wellbeing:

All this app usage can create technology exhaustion, and it is important to remember to put your phone down, unplug, and let your mind reset.

As an entrepreneur, you live a busy life. Headspace is a meditation app that grants you the time to slow down and be intentional in letting your mind rest.

Studies have shown that listening to background music helps improve productivity as well as cognitive performance. Spotify is one of the most popular apps for music streaming and allows users to create their own playlists as well as discover new music that they love.

Calm is another app that is useful for meditation and focus, as well as sleep. As an entrepreneur working 40+ hours a week, sleeping well is vital. Calm walks users through breathing exercises as well as provides sleep stories before bed.

Having these apps on your phone will maximize your efficiency, productivity and overall success as an entrepreneur! Now that you know this, go download the apps that help YOU the most!

Article by
Abigail Dycus
Content Writer and Researcher

Abigail Dycus