In business, you are going to have to have some level of marketing stamina. This is why, when you start out, eating healthy, getting enough sleep and exercising are more important than figuring out how to run a company. You have to be a fit animal. The more fit you are, the more capable you are of doing well in the jungle.

If you wake up at 60%, and you’re immediately putting sugar, bad food, or caffeine into your body, that percentage goes down significantly. This isn’t a moral thing. It’s a question of asking whether these activities “make the boat go faster.” If you start your morning already tired, and you wake up at 60%… what things can you do to increase that percentage?

What will get you to 70% or 80%?

If you can set up the right conditions and get yourself to 90% or even 100% every morning, it can transform everything.

Get a blank sheet of paper. Draw a line down the middle. On the left-hand side, at the top, write “SETUP.” On the right-hand side, at the top, write “CONDITIONS.” In the right column write out the conditions you want in your life. Do you want a more successful business? Better Clients? More money? A better relationship? More sleep? An environment you love? What does success look like for you? Then, on the left side, write the setup that needs to exist for those conditions to happen. What’s the setup you need to make those conditions a reality?

To get the conditions you want, you need a certain type of setup. Put pencil to paper and start planning this out. Create the right setup. Become a fit animal.

by Joe Polish
Founder of Genius Network

Joe Polish

P.S. I've created a resource page as a central guide with access to valuable resources available to you right now. Check it out at Bookmark this page. This is where I will post every new update.

P.P.S. Whenever you're ready... here are 3 more ways I can help you make YOUR business and life more E.L.F. (Easy, Lucrative, and Fun!):

  1. Discover the 10x Multipliers to grow your business exponentially… Amplify your opportunities and reveal the untapped potential in your business:
  2. Trigger these 8 Profit Activators in your business right now:
  3. I'm often asked what books I recommend. So, I've put together a collection of books and products in 9 specific categories. These are resources we've shared in Genius Network to help improve life and business... To check them out visit

P.P.P.S. If You Or Someone You Know Is Struggling With Addiction, visit
Also, check these out 🙂

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