How to Start a Business

Is Opening A Storefront Wise For Your Business?
As exciting as the idea can be to have a physical location for your customers to shop at, what's more exciting is reveling in the possible success your brand will bring you. If you are a business owner, you more likely than not have wrestled with your thoughts about...

Americans With Side Hustles-Making A Rise
According to a recent survey by Lending Tree Financial, 44% of Americans have a side hustle, which adds to their regular 9-5 job. In the last two years, the percentage of Americans earning additional income from a side gig has risen by 13% and the numbers aren’t...

Is Your Brand Expandable?
Ask any entrepreneur or small business owner; there is always a certain amount of risk associated when owning your own business. Though the struggles can be different, the outcome desired is usually the same. They desire success. To build a brand that flourishes and...

The Keys to Unlocking Influencer Status
In today's digital world, being an influencer has become a highly sought-after career path. But what does it take to be an influencer? Here are a few key qualities that successful influencers tend to possess. First, influencers are typically experts in their field....

Put Your Idea To The Test
When determining whether your idea or invention will have any success hitting the marketplace, there are numerous ways you can choose this. From market research to industry trends, social media polls to focus groups. Getting your idea out there is just the first step...

Earn Money As An Amazon Affiliate
As the online marketing industry gains momentum, more and more consumers are looking in the direction of influencers before making purchases. People find it easier to trust the reviews and recommendations of like-minded individuals who are comparable to themselves....

Is Your Product Idea Worth Pursuing?
As any successful entrepreneur knows, an idea alone isn't going to set the stage for financial success. Anyone can come up with an idea, but how brilliant that idea is actually can remain debatable. Many people have attempted to break into the entrepreneurial world...

The Startup Guide To Startups
Countless articles and videos focus on the fantasy of “startups” and their ability to positively change people’s lives. “All you need to do is start” and “Trial and error” are common phrases that gurus use to encourage all those on the fence. The problem for some is –...

The Importance Of Networking For Small Business Owners
Networking is a valuable tool for business owners who are either in the infancy of starting a new business or for those who are hoping to grow their business. There are numerous benefits to gain from networking. Among them, I’ll fill you in with just some examples of...

Does Your Process Or Invention Need To Be Protected?
If you’ve found yourself in a situation where you’ve invented something brilliant only to turn around and find it’s being used without your consent, you are not alone. This is why it’s worth legally protecting your intellectual property from others. Rightfully so, you...