We all want to spend our retirement years comfortably. But we need to make sure we’ll be able to do that when the time does come. No matter what age you plan on retiring, it’s important to start planning for retirement as soon as possible. Here are some things to consider that will help determine if you are ready.

The type of lifestyle you desire
How do you see yourself living during your retirement years? Will you travel and explore new and exciting destinations?  Or will you relocate?  Maybe moving closer to your kids/grandkids? Other family members? Whether you see yourself slowing down or finally being able to pursue your interests and hobbies, anticipating how you will spend your days will be beneficial in planning.

Manage your finances
According to the AARP the average person will spend 20 years in retirement and the average American will need well over a million dollars to live out their retirement days. With the loss of work income, you will need to have a post-retirement budget to ensure you are able cover all your expenses, including any unexpected healthcare costs that may arise. It’s smart to have other sources of income you can rely on other than your social security benefits. Start contributing to some sort of retirement fund or investing in the stock market to build that nest egg. You may want to consult with a financial planner as well. There are many out there with the expertise to help guide you when it comes time to make those important life decisions.

Stay on top of your health
As your retirement date is nearing, it will be a good idea to get most of your health concerns out of the way. Schedule your yearly physical. Visit the Dentist. Most likely, your health insurance will end when you stop working, so beginning retirement with a clean bill of health will help limit expenses.


Article by
Ava Collins
Content Writer and Researcher

Student award winner Ava Collins