Whether it’s your busiest time of year or your slowest, the holidays put a huge amount of stress on employees. These external factors can cause your employee’s productivity to plummet. Keeping employees engaged is daunting, but there are some unique ways to help your employees be productive through the holidays.

Showing your appreciation for your team’s hard work is a great way to maintain their productivity. Research conducted by the University of Pennsylvania reveals that employees are 50% more productive when they’re shown appreciation. You can show your gratitude through genuine conversations with your employees or even some kind of celebration, like an employee potluck. Not only will this boost productivity but it’ll also bring employees together during the holiday season.

High stress can manifest many physical and mental health consequences. To maintain your employee’s health and keep them engaged in their work, get creative and provide stress relief in the office. Some of the excellent techniques companies are trying include bringing in a professional massage therapist or practicing deep breathing before big meetings.

Another great way employers are helping their employees boost their productivity is with in-door exercise classes. If you’re an AFEUSA member, utilize your Burnalong exclusive discount to get your staff focused on burning calories and not burning out through the holiday season

Article by
Wayne Goshkarian,
Senior Advisor

Wayne Goshkarian in front of his jet