Many factors go into the statistics we’re seeing today, but there’s no arguing with the facts themselves: Americans today own homes at a lower rate than in the past, and younger Americans are less likely to own their homes than their parents or grandparents were at the same age. Home ownership goes hand-in-hand with entrepreneurship, in that both are signs of a healthy economy and both are part of the American Dream. Without the option of owning a home, Americans are less likely to accumulate wealth the same way they did in the past, and their general stability is lower, too. What’s going on here?

Part of the problem is purchasing power. We’re talking about credit here. How’s yours? If you just said, “I have a few things hurting my score,” get in line — over 80% of all Americans are in the same position! Credit scores have declined along with home ownership and, in fact, never really recovered since the Great Recession. Without good credit, the list of things you can’t buy is long, and owning a home is at the top.

But it’s not the only thing, as AFEUSA members know. What about a business loan? Or cash to keep you housed and fed while your company revs up? Having good credit and the access that comes with it can make or break an entrepreneur. That’s why one of your benefits as a member is access to The Credit Clinic, which offers a flat monthly rate they’ve discounted just for us! They’ll help you with both halves of the American Dream!

Article by
Wayne Goshkarian,
Senior Advisor

Wayne Goshkarian in front of his jet