Daily Habits of the Successful Entrepreneur

Daily Habits of the Successful Entrepreneur

Practically anyone can become an entrepreneur with the right mindset. It starts with an idea. After some hard work and dedication, that idea has become a reality. But what makes the successful ones stand out from the rest? Is it luck? Or are some just destined for...
Definition Of An Entrepreneur

Definition Of An Entrepreneur

Oxford Languages defines an entrepreneur as “a person who organizes and operates a business or businesses taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so”. Entrepreneurs are often seen as innovators. Risk takers. But not all entrepreneurs are the same....
What is “Quiet Quitting”

What is “Quiet Quitting”

“Quiet quitting” is a recent term that has flooded the workplace representing the effort of employees doing only the bare minimum requirements to maintain their job without further progression for substantial outcome. During the Covid-19 pandemic, confusion and stress...
How To Create A Professional Online Presence

How To Create A Professional Online Presence

As technology has evolved, so has the use of the internet. It has defined the way of life. A recent survey concluded 97% of employers will go online to research you through various sites before determining you for a position. And 1 in every 4 people will use search...
Americans Decreasing Work-Commutes Post-Pandemic

Americans Decreasing Work-Commutes Post-Pandemic

It seems Americans are following suit of other countries and are beginning to decrease the hours spent working in the office. Recent polls show a 20% decrease in work commutes post COVID-19 pandemic. This is shown in many major corporations, such as Apple, JP Morgan,...