Retirement Planning When Self Employed
One of the most daunting tasks as an entrepreneur is saving up for your retirement. Sometimes it feels as though every penny you earn for yourself goes right back toward pursuing your passion. Planning retirement can be tedious, so it’s no wonder many entrepreneurs...
Dealing With Imposter Syndrome
Have you ever heard of Imposter Syndrome? It’s a regular phenomenon people experience when they don’t feel like they’re good enough to be doing what they’re doing. Maybe you once received a promotion at work you didn’t feel you were qualified for, or you were on a...
How A Business Degree Can Boost Your Business
In my last article, I talked about why you don’t necessarily need a business degree to run your own business. And while I still stand by that, I also want to talk about why having that degree can be helpful for you. I mentioned it in the last article — a degree will...
Do You Need A Business Degree To Run A Business?
“What if you just started your own organization?” I laughed when my friend mentioned this idea. I graduated in communication with an emphasis in journalism. I took several management classes, but other than that I knew nothing about running a business. I told...