Homebound Ways to Spend Time With Famil

Homebound Ways to Spend Time With Famil

If you’ve been self-quarantining, I’m sure you’ve cleaned every facet of your house, and you’ve tackled all the errands you can. But this May, there are several holidays coming up that can help you make the most out of your stay-cation. “Star Wars” Day May 4 is an...
Unknown Causes of Cavities

Unknown Causes of Cavities

Right now, the last thing on your mind is your oral hygiene. Sure, we all floss, brush twice a day, and use mouthwash, but that only does so much. If something does come up, like a cavity, it’s one more thing on your plate that you have to handle. What’s...
Signs You Need a Hearing Aid

Signs You Need a Hearing Aid

Do your family members have to repeat things to you constantly? Do you have to listen carefully to podcasts that you could hear easily weeks ago? If so, you’re not alone. Over 450 million people suffer from some form of hearing loss. But determining that you...
Manage Your Relationships During Quarantining

Manage Your Relationships During Quarantining

Right now, working remotely is more common than ever, and if you and your loved ones are suddenly sharing a workspace, tensions can arise. No matter how good-natured our loved ones are, small talk, various household questions, and even general disagreements can take a...
How to Keep Burning Calories During Quarantine

How to Keep Burning Calories During Quarantine

If you’re homebound and working remotely, it can be stressful trying to manage your new routine. If you have kids, you have to keep track of their schooling. If you have a significant other working from home as well, you have to manage the appropriate times to...
How Safe is Takeout Food During the COVID-19 Outbreak?

How Safe is Takeout Food During the COVID-19 Outbreak?

Even as restaurants dial back to take-out only operations across the country, some people may still find themselves wondering how safe is takeout, really? The good news is that, according to “Forbes,” experts conclude that the risk of contracting COVID-19 by ordering...