Although you might be hoping to travel out of state this holiday season, you may also be wondering: Is it honestly safe to fly? How do you gauge the risks you’re taking? The good news is that, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),...
Your business might already be feeling the effects of the USPS slowdown, but have you prepared for how it could possibly affect you this holiday season? Here are a few strategies to consider implementing. Drive your mail to the largest local distribution center.Taking...
Ever since COVID-19 came on the scene, everything about our daily lives seems a little harder. And it’s not necessarily that picking up food or shopping at the grocery store has gotten more difficult (those might’ve gotten easier, in fact) — it’s simply feeling the...
Experts are saying that depression is the next pandemic after COVID-19. Unfortunately, that’s hardly surprising: People have been more isolated than ever before, the economy has suffered in ways we’ve never seen, and the political climate has been tremendously...
While stress is a normal, and even healthy, part of life—not all stress is the same. Acute stress is short-term and triggers the body’s stress response (fight, flight, or freeze) as a survival mechanism. This is where those utomatic physiological and emotional...
It’s going to be tough to celebrate the holidays with our older family members this year, especially if they’re locked down in their local caretaking homes. We have no fast answers to when it’ll be safe — it might be already decently safe in your area by the time...
Reddit cofounder Alexis Ohanian says he's "all in on this chapter" helping to revive Digg, and more than 175,000 people have signed up for early access.
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