Are You Ready For The Shark Tank?

Are You Ready For The Shark Tank?

Shark Tank is one of the most popular TV shows in history, continuing to gather millions of viewers for each new season as companies of any size continue to give their pitches to the world. There have been a number a majorly successful businesses that grew soon after...
The Art of Negotiating

The Art of Negotiating

As a small business owner, building strong business relationships is a crucial component to the overall success of your company. Not only is developing connections with both your customers and employees important, it’s also just as important to have strong...
Definition Of An Entrepreneur

Definition Of An Entrepreneur

Oxford Languages defines an entrepreneur as “a person who organizes and operates a business or businesses taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so”. Entrepreneurs are often seen as innovators. Risk takers. But not all entrepreneurs are the same....
5 Easy Freelance From Home Gigs

5 Easy Freelance From Home Gigs

Freelancers can pretty much work on anything, and from anywhere. With the limit of restrictions a freelancer has it’s no wonder the popularity in this field has risen considerably. And finding work with little to no experience doesn’t have to prevent you. Here are 5...
Entrepreneurship Can Start At Any Age

Entrepreneurship Can Start At Any Age

Close your eyes and think of the word “entrepreneur”. What image crosses your mind? More times than not, people will say a young millennial, someone in their early 20’s. Maybe someone who appears quick witted and intelligent? Someone who is tech savvy and trendy? But...