How to Create a Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4 Plan

How to Create a Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4 Plan

A quarter planning system splits up the year into four three-month periods on a businesses’ financial calendar. This makes it easy for a company to plan out their strategies and set quarterly goals for the year. Q1 starts off the year consisting of the months of...
Keeping Your Prices Updated With Inflation

Keeping Your Prices Updated With Inflation

During this first half of 2022, inflation and the fear of its increase has been an ever-present force that doesn’t seem to have a foreseeable end in the immediate future. As a result, it would not be beneficial for a company to go unchanged when going through this...
How Fed Interest Rate Increase Effects Small Businesses

How Fed Interest Rate Increase Effects Small Businesses

It is expected that the U.S. Federal Reserve will increase interest rates increasing consumer borrowing costs. Jerome Powell, Federal Reserve Chairman, is expected to proclaim the central bank’s key interest rate from near zero to counteract the rising inflation. This...
More Jobs and More Raises at Small Businesses

More Jobs and More Raises at Small Businesses

Although there seems to be inconsistencies in the U.S. economy, small firms are consistently persistent in their desire to hire new qualified employees. The National Federation of Independent Business have proven this fact true through their latest monthly employment...
Tips for Business Trips

Tips for Business Trips

It is inevitable as you grow into your entrepreneurial adventure, you will be traveling quite often. There are many roadblocks that come with traveling such as less time in the office, mobile contacting, and time may seem to slip away faster. Here are several ways to...