Many entrepreneurs without technical expertise often have great ideas for startups that never come to fruition due to the lack of technical skills. However, knowing how to code can be advantageous when starting a business. Successful founders are able to convey a compelling vision to potential partners, customers, and investors about what their product or idea can offer. To achieve this, founders can explore various options for creating their initial product, such as hiring a freelancer, using no-code solutions, or finding a technical co-founder.


If you’re a non-technical founder aiming to create a Minimum Viable Product (MVP), one viable option is to outsource the development to freelance developers. This can be an effective way to kickstart your startup and present a tangible offering to potential customers, particularly if your team lacks the necessary technical skills. However, it’s important to consider the financial implications. Outsourcing can be costly, which can pose a challenge for new startups with limited financial resources. As a new startup, you may need to carefully weigh the benefits of outsourcing against the potential financial strain it may cause.

Use low-code, no-code tools

If you’re looking for an affordable and quick way to build an MVP to showcase your business idea to potential co-founders, customers, or investors, then low-code or no-code resources can be a great option for you. You can use these platforms to build a proof of concept for your business idea without writing a single line of code. These platforms come with simple user interfaces that allow non-technical individuals to bring their ideas to life. Many options are available for different industries and builds, so you can find the right solution that fits your requirements.

Find a technical co-founder

Finding a technical co-founder is arguably the best option for non-technical founders who want to build a tech business. A technical co-founder who is passionate about the idea and benefits from its success will help teams move faster and more effectively to find product market fit. If you plan to seek investment, having a technical co-founder on board will be viewed more favorably by most, if not all, potential investors. However, it is essential to choose the right co-founder, one whom you can trust and who has a passion aligned with yours and will benefit the business long-term. While having a technical person on the founding team is beneficial, don’t let the potential positives of bringing on a technical co-founder outweigh the need for due diligence. Make sure the person you choose is a good fit for the long term. 

Take classes

Numerous free online courses are available to learn coding, and starting with a beginner’s course in HTML and CSS is a great way to begin your journey. With the right mindset and determination, anyone can learn to code, even without prior experience. By mastering basic website-building skills, you can create a landing page for your product and convey your vision to potential customers. Remember, when it comes to running a business, it’s not about whether you can write code or not. It’s about your willingness to learn and overcome any obstacles that come your way.

In the present era of digitalization, the ability to code has become an indispensable skill for those who aspire to create products or start a business. However, even if you lack technical expertise, it is still possible to succeed in your business venture. With unwavering determination and the right mindset, you can achieve anything that you set your mind to.


Article by
Ava Collins
Content Writer and Researcher

Student award winner Ava Collins