Sep 22, 2020 | Genius Network Article
My whole approach to things is leaving people better off than they were before they met me. Who I decide to have in my life is based on seeing how people that are more powerful treat people that are less powerful. It’s very easy for people to get to a certain stage of...
Sep 22, 2020 | Hiring And Labor
I know we’re only in September, but, knowing my fellow entrepreneurs, you’re probably already looking to the near future: the holidays. While you might be canceling the office holiday party this year, that shouldn’t discourage you from having a major company...
Sep 16, 2020 | Hiring And Labor
Candidates in 2020 rarely find out about your job posting through a paper posted on the window. Nowadays, you have to make sure your online job posting isn’t only that informational paper on the wall but also a representation of your whole company culture, staff, and...
Sep 15, 2020 | Genius Network Podcast
#357 Episode Summary: Joe DeMaria, a young entrepreneur, longtime I Love Marketing listener, and founder of Teach to Scale, kept failing and making bad decisions until he cracked the code on his business. Learn how he did it in today’s episode of I Love Marketing with...
Sep 15, 2020 | Legal/Insurance
Business thinkers across every industry can agree on one thing: It’s hard to succeed without friends. Friendships, in many ways, are a risk in themselves. You’re putting yourself out there, and people can reject you. But that doesn’t mean they’re less important or...
Sep 14, 2020 | Genius Network Article
A lot of times people are more interested in vanity and how they are going to look on the outside than what is going on internally. Until we’re hit with a real serious health crisis, those things designed to help us with our internal health don’t seem to...
Sep 10, 2020 | Genius Network Podcast
#380 Episode Summary: Do you know what culture is… and what it isn’t? Learn how to effectively improve your culture, get your Team motivated from the inside out, and drive better performance through cultural transformation in today’s episode of the I Love Marketing...
Sep 10, 2020 | Start A Business
You’re used to working hard — and we mean really hard. You’re starving by 10:30 am, but your day is back-to-back meetings, and now you’re getting an important call that you were supposed to have 30 minutes ago. So, when someone asks you, “What intimidates you most...
Sep 1, 2020 | Genius Network Podcast
#379 Episode Summary: Freedom. It’s why most Entrepreneurs do what they do. Learn how to have more time for the things you love, be peacefully productive, and grow your Business sustainably in today’s episode of the I Love Marketing podcast. In this episode, Eelco de...
Sep 1, 2020 | Newsletters
This content is available only to AFE members. Want to become a member? Sign up here. Already a member? Login now... Username Password Remember Me Forgot...
Aug 31, 2020 | Genius Network Article
All of your advertising should have response mechanisms on them. My friend and GeniusX® Member, Jason Fladlien, talks about how anything you are selling, you want to put information in front of it. Before people read a book, they are asking themselves WHY they should...
Aug 25, 2020 | Genius Network Podcast
#356 Episode Summary Jason is the co-founder and CEO of Gapingvoid Culture Design Group. His company helps create more engaged organizations that consistently outperform their competitors by designing a better and more meaningful culture. Their work is based on proven...