Managing the New Work-Life Blur

Managing the New Work-Life Blur

Managing work during the pandemic is not easy. Essential workers have been on the frontlines for months and coping with the stress and anxiety that comes from potential exposure and chronic uncertainty. And working from home during COVID-19 is far from the...
Dealing With Invisible Demons

Dealing With Invisible Demons

A lot of times people are more interested in vanity and how they are going to look on the outside than what is going on internally. Until we’re hit with a real serious health crisis, those things designed to help us with our internal health don’t seem to...

Designing a Transformative Culture

#380 Episode Summary: Do you know what culture is… and what it isn’t? Learn how to effectively improve your culture, get your Team motivated from the inside out, and drive better performance through cultural transformation in today’s episode of the I Love Marketing...
Why Setting up Cloud Storage Is a Must in 2020

Why Setting up Cloud Storage Is a Must in 2020

With business and consumer needs changing so quickly this year, you don’t want to be left behind. How many times have you been out of the office and unable to access company data, leaving your staff and customers hanging? The best way to ensure you are keeping up is...
How Do We Handle the Prolonged Stress of the Pandemic at Home?

How Do We Handle the Prolonged Stress of the Pandemic at Home?

Remember when we thought this pandemic would be over in a few months? I do, and it feels like it must’ve been years ago. While every area is recovering at different rates, our divided nation can probably agree on one thing: We’re all tired of this pandemic. We miss...

Boost Your Productivity While Staying Sane

#379 Episode Summary: Freedom. It’s why most Entrepreneurs do what they do. Learn how to have more time for the things you love, be peacefully productive, and grow your Business sustainably in today’s episode of the I Love Marketing podcast. In this episode, Eelco de...

September Newsletter 2020

This content is available only to AFE members. Want to become a member? Sign up here. Already a member? Login now... Username Password Remember Me     Forgot...
Making SEO a Highly Effective Long-Term Marketing Tool

Making SEO a Highly Effective Long-Term Marketing Tool

If you’ve finally started a company blog and put in all the effort to write posts, create tags, and enhance search engine optimization (SEO) for your content, it’s very exciting to post and send out to your email list. You might be eagerly awaiting people to find your...
These Response Mechanisms Still Work

These Response Mechanisms Still Work

All of your advertising should have response mechanisms on them. My friend and GeniusX® Member, Jason Fladlien, talks about how anything you are selling, you want to put information in front of it. Before people read a book, they are asking themselves WHY they should...
Struggling to Keep Customers? Build Loyalty by Staying in Touch

Struggling to Keep Customers? Build Loyalty by Staying in Touch

During a pandemic, it’s easy to see lots of reasons why many businesses are losing customers right now. But that doesn’t mean you’re completely helpless — in fact, this might be the best time to impress consumers by reaching out to them through a beautiful, mailed...