Leapfrog Kissing Frogs

Leapfrog Kissing Frogs

I was on a Strategic Coach call, and Coach Member Eric McKibben said something interesting about simplification: “Joe may know 1,000 people in his rolodex he can call upon. That’s complex, and people are complex. But what Joe is able to do is simplify...
How Often Should You Change Your Password?

How Often Should You Change Your Password?

You’ve gotten a spam email, but this time, it’s from a “hacker.” They reveal your own password to prove it and demand thousands of dollars before the hacker does something drastic. The truth is that many of these people have bought your information from various...
What Are You Willing To Tolerate?

What Are You Willing To Tolerate?

Have you ever made money from your work, but the only thing you got from the work was the money? Meaning: You made money, but it didn’t enhance you. You didn’t receive any referrals. You didn’t feel appreciated. But, you made money. If this has ever happened to you,...
How to Choose the Best Payroll Processing Company for You

How to Choose the Best Payroll Processing Company for You

Nobody wants to be paid late — and employers, perhaps even more than employees, don’t want to pay late either. It can be illegal to make even the smallest mistakes when it comes to payroll, and you’d rather be the great friend people trust and can rely on instead of...
When Stress Doesn’t Stop

When Stress Doesn’t Stop

While stress is a normal, and even healthy, part of life—not all stress is the same. Acute stress is short-term and triggers the body’s stress response (fight, flight, or freeze) as a survival mechanism. This is where those utomatic physiological and emotional...
How to Celebrate the Holidays With Our Elderly From Afar

How to Celebrate the Holidays With Our Elderly From Afar

It’s going to be tough to celebrate the holidays with our older family members this year, especially if they’re locked down in their local caretaking homes. We have no fast answers to when it’ll be safe — it might be already decently safe in your area by the time...

Copywriting Super Panel – Part 2

#359 Episode Summary: Copywriting experts share how to write successful copy that wakes people up and gets them to buy. Today’s episode is a special copywriting super panel, and it’s the second part of a two-part series. Experts Parris Lampropoulos, Richard Viguerie,...
Success Recipes

Success Recipes

More than almost anything, what people want is a RESULT.  In order to get Results, people need Capabilities. Your product, service, and/or company connects people with Capabilities so they can produce a Result. When it comes to ‘Thought Leaders’, anyone...
Do You Need a ‘Brand’ if You’re the Only Employee?

Do You Need a ‘Brand’ if You’re the Only Employee?

When your small business is really small — and we mean just you — then it can seem redundant to try and encapsulate your business identity through social media and marketing. It’s just your own identity, right? When your small business is really small — and we mean...

October Newsletter 2020

This content is available only to AFEUSA "General Members". If you are a "General Member", log in below... Log in for "Customized Benefits Package Members" is coming soon (check back later). Username Password Remember Me     Forgot...
A Great Life Comes From Consistency

A Great Life Comes From Consistency

There are times when you have to triage. You can’t respond to everybody. And you can’t fix the world with broken hands… You’ve got to take care of yourself. As important everything else is, your Health is critical. If you take care of YOU first, you are able to...

Copywriting Super Panel – Part 1

#358 Episode Summary: Is your copy working? Learn how to write copy that sells in today’s episode with four of the top names in direct response marketing. Today’s episode is a special copywriting super panel, and it’s part one of a two-part series. Experts Clayton...